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European Funds for Podlaskie 2021-2027

Programme description

The European Funds for Smart Economy for the period 2021-2027, is the single biggest national programme in the EU with an  ERDF allocation of EUR 7,9 billion. The programme focuses on research, innovation and economic development, with an emphasis on technology transfer and thedigitisation of enterprises. Its support is complementary with the broader EU commitment towards a more competitive and smarter Europe and the programmes “European Funds for Eastern Poland” and “European Funds for Digitalisation”.

Despite its strong economic growth, Poland still lags behind in the field of innovation (65.9% innovation index; 2021 European Innovation Scoreboard), and is below average scores on the Climate change related indicators.

To balance this, across its 4 priorities, the programme emphasises technology transfer and the implementation of the European Green Deal objectives in research and development activities and in investments for innovation in companies.

Within the programme, Priority 1, aims at directly supporting companies, with special focus on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). As an incentive to investment in research and development, entrepreneurs have the ability to apply to a flexible combination of modules that include green and digital transition, R&D business infrastructure, internationalisation and support to skills in enterprises.

Priority 2 focuses on technology transfer. By combining grant and debt financing, it aims at  strengthening business-science links, supporting different methods to implement R&D results, while helping the upscaling of start-ups . Moreover, it will support the digitalisation along with implementation of financial instruments (guarantees and equity).

Priority 3, will assist the energy transition of enterprises without innovation component. Under this priority the programme will co-finance Important Projects of Common European Interest. These will include the development of smart energy systems and networks.

Under Priority 4 beneficiaries will receive Technical Assistance for the programme’s management and control system and for promotion.

Financial information

Breakdown of finances by priority axis

Priority Axis EU Investment National Public Contribution Total Public Contribution
ERDF 937.541.207,00 164.210.062,00 1.101.751.269,00
ESF+ 361.397.526,00 60.060.866,00 421.458.392,00
Total 1.298.938.733,00 224.270.928,00 1.523.209.661,00

Priorities and Specific Objectives

Social Europe

Access to employment and activation measures for all

Equal access to quality social and healthcare services

Social integration of people at risk

Gender balanced labour market participation

Adaptation of workers and enterprises to change

Quality and inclusive education and training systems

Lifelong learning and career transitions

Active inclusion and employability

Smarter Europe

Enhancing research and innovation

Reaping the benefits of digitisation

Growth and competitiveness of SMEs

Greener Europe

Energy efficiency

Renewable energy

Climate change adaptation

Sustainable water

Circular economy

Nature protection and biodiversity

Sustainable urban mobility

Connected Europe

Sustainable transport

Social Europe

Education and training infrastructure

Integration of marginalised communities

Access to health care

Culture and sustainable tourism

Europe closer to citizens

Integrated development in urban areas

Integrated development in rural and coastal areas