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European Funds for Lubuskie 2021-2027

Programme description

The support under the Lubuskie regional Programme will focus around such priorities as: innovation, entrepreneurship, digitalization, low-emission and environmentally friendly transport, protection of environment and energy efficiency.

The social key areas for investments are labour market, employment, lifelong learning, health care, social integration and the territorial dimension.

Investments will strengthen innovation and R&D and increase the commercialisation of research. They will lead to further digitalisaton, both in the area of public services and in entrepreneurship. EU funds will also help increasing the uptake of modern technologies in the healthcare system.

It is planned to modernize public buildings in terms of better energy efficiency and increase the additional renewable energy generation capacity. Investments will lead to transition towards a circular and resource-efficient economy.

The development of public transport infrastructure, including with the purchase of low- and zero-emission rolling stock, will increase the availability of sustainable public transport. The promotion of its use will contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution.

The European Regional Development Fund together with the European Social Fund+ will invest in pre-school education and in education and training of adults. Investments will help increasing the number of people using care services in their local community, rather than institutions. Social housing solutions will continue to receive support while in healthcare, investments will focus on primary and ambulatory care and will include mental healthcare. Sustainable tourism and culture will benefit from the develpment of new infrastrucure, while the development of thematic tourist routes and other products is ongoing, with the goal of preserving and cultural heritage and modernising sites to bring about greater  social inclusion.

Finally, it is planned to support projects targeting specific urban and rural territories resulting from the integrated territorial development strategies.

Financial information

Breakdown of finances by priority axis

Priority Axis EU Investment National Public Contribution Total Public Contribution
ERDF 651.731.397,00 115.011.426,00 766.742.823,00
ESF+ 263.109.819,00 44.789.064,00 307.898.883,00
Total 914.841.216,00 159.800.490,00 1.074.641.706,00

Priorities and Specific Objectives

Social Europe

Access to employment and activation measures for all

Equal access to quality social and healthcare services

Social integration of people at risk

Adaptation of workers and enterprises to change

Quality and inclusive education and training systems

Lifelong learning and career transitions

Active inclusion and employability

Integration of third country nationals

Smarter Europe

Enhancing research and innovation

Reaping the benefits of digitisation

Growth and competitiveness of SMEs

Skills for smart specialisation and transition

Greener Europe

Energy efficiency

Renewable energy

Climate change adaptation

Sustainable water

Circular economy

Nature protection and biodiversity

Sustainable urban mobility

Connected Europe

Sustainable transport

Social Europe

Education and training infrastructure

Integration of marginalised communities

Access to health care

Culture and sustainable tourism

Europe closer to citizens

Integrated development in urban areas

Integrated development in rural and coastal areas