en English

Towards a smarter, well connected and resilient economy, a greener environment and an integrated society

Programme description

The main challenges addressed by the programme are promoting a smarter and more innovative economy, fostering a greener and low carbon transition as well as supporting a more social and inclusive society.

For a smarter and more innovative economy in Malta, the Programme focuses on research and innovation (R&I), digitalisation and business growth. Specifically, the actions envisaged will strengthen R&I capacity, support digitalisation in small and medium enterprises and in public sector services. Thus, the programme will enhance SMEs’ competitiveness, stimulate entrepreneurship and sustain growth.

Support to energy efficiency will pave the way to the green transition in Malta. Efforts to promote investment in renewable energies will benefit enterprises and households while ensuring the security of electricity supply. The programme also identifies wastewater treatment and drinking water supply networks as areas of intervention that will benefit from upgrading and modernisation to reduce losses and leakages.

Waste prevention and separate collection and recycling remain key features of the programme, including through the investment in an Organic Processing Plant. Finally to stem the wave of threats to Malta’s ecosystems are exposed, Malta will benefit from support to green ecological corridors and Natura sites for green infrastructure in urban environments. A focus on sustainable active urban mobility will encourage cleaner forms of transportation and will promote alternative fuels in road transport. 

With the support of JTF, the Programme will push for the decarbonisation of the international ports of Malta's mainland (the Grand Harbour and Malta Freeport). This will entail the connection of vessels to onshore electricity power supply whilst berthing, in an effort to reduce the ships' emissions of greenhouse gas emissions and the pollution of the air, and marine environment, air pollution.

For a more social and inclusive society in Malta, the Programme intends to support investments in education and vocational training facilities. In line with the ambition of de-institutionalisation, financial support will target health infrastructures and services with an emphasis on mental health. With refrence to culture and tourism, the valorisation and regeneration of Malta’s cultural heritage represents a priority in view to increase tourists’ visits and improve the social integration of supported areas.

An additional priority addresses the situaton of territorial disparity and disadvantage of Gozo, in compliance with the objectives of the selected territorial strategy, with the aim of promoting Gozo’s socio-economic development.Examples of projects to be supported within the programme include the set-up of a Business Incubation Centre, the development of a Second Electricity Interconnector, “cold ironing” reducing the pollution of ships in ports.

Financial information

Breakdown of finances by priority axis

Priority Axis EU Investment National Public Contribution Total Public Contribution
CF 165.167.275,00 29.147.168,00 194.314.443,00
ERDF 459.895.691,00 306.597.129,00 766.492.820,00
JTF 23.265.723,00 9.971.025,00 33.236.748,00
Total 648.328.689,00 345.715.322,00 994.044.011,00

Priorities and Specific Objectives

JTF specific objective

Just Transition Fund

Smarter Europe

Enhancing research and innovation

Reaping the benefits of digitisation

Growth and competitiveness of SMEs

Greener Europe

Energy efficiency

Renewable energy

Smart energy systems

Sustainable water

Circular economy

Nature protection and biodiversity

Sustainable urban mobility

Connected Europe

Sustainable TEN-T

Social Europe

Education and training infrastructure

Access to health care

Culture and sustainable tourism

Europe closer to citizens

Integrated development in urban areas