en English

(Interreg VI-A) Greece-Bulgaria

Programme description

The programme addresses the most important cross-border cooperation challenges along the borders of Greece and Bulgaria in line with the policy objectives of Cohesion policy 2021-2027. The programme will focus on three priorities.

The potential of the new programming framework resides in addressing key needs for the cross-border area but not made a priority in the National programmes. This way the programme will also provide specific approaches integrate wider strategies for local development, such as TEN-T.

More specifically, the programme will:

  • Capitalise, expand and upgrade climate change adaptation systems and practices. This will help protecting citizens from the risks of climate change, emphasising joint action, coordination, and infrastructure inter-operability. Cooperation will strengthen efforts for the preservation of biodiversity and reinforce citizens’ ownership of green and blue infrastructures. Upgrading such infrastructure in urban areas and more sparsely populated areas will bring about better living conditions.
  • Focus on needs in sectors of common interest (in which there are capabilities such as tourism and culture or emerging needs such as circular economy), facilitating access to microenterprises that are not covered by mainstream national and regional financial instruments.
  • Reduce isolation and improve interconnection through a modern, greener, and safer transport system that benefits the economic and social development of the whole region.
  • Focus on employment, entrepreneurship and improving the enterprises’ capacities by providing support for education, coaching, training, and microfinance (through Small Project Funds).

The programme contributes to the climate and environmental objectives with 43% of the EU budget and to biodiversity objective with 15% of the EU budget.


Financial information

Breakdown of finances by priority axis

Priority Axis EU Investment National Public Contribution Total Public Contribution
ERDF 67.162.945,00 16.790.737,00 83.953.682,00
Total 67.162.945,00 16.790.737,00 83.953.682,00

Priorities and Specific Objectives