en English


Programme description

The programme seeks to support the development of Crete, by promoting the qualitative growth, active environmental management, dynamic social cohesion and effective governance. It includes actions to develop regional economy by linking research and innovation with entrepreneurship, promote innovative and extrovert business models, strengthen local research infrastructures, support innovative start-ups, promote social cohesion and inclusion for all.

Thanks to ERDF and ESF+, the EU supports the green growth of the region through actions to improve the energy efficiency of public buildings, support of anti-flood projects, upgrade of water and wastewater networks and development of climate-resilient urban spaces.

People will also benefit from upgraded, more accessible education and health care infrastructure and services, childcare facilities and social care units. Moreover, the programme aims to support social enterprises, increase employability, encourage the participation of disadvantaged groups in active social life, promote the institution of deinstitutionalization and strengthen the social integration of marginalised groups, including third-country nationals and Roma.

Finally, it foresees actions to improve regional connectivity and road safety, regenerate urban and non urban areas of the region, promote cultural wealth and improve the citizen’s quality of life through the implementation of Integrated Territorial Investments.

Financial information

Breakdown of finances by priority axis

Priority Axis EU Investment National Public Contribution Total Public Contribution
ERDF 355.539.659,00 62.742.296,00 418.281.955,00
ESF+ 124.317.055,00 21.938.305,00 146.255.360,00
Total 479.856.714,00 84.680.601,00 564.537.315,00

Priorities and Specific Objectives

Social Europe

Access to employment and activation measures for all

Intergration of marginalised communities such as Roma

Equal access to quality social and healthcare services

Social integration of people at risk

Quality and inclusive education and training systems

Active inclusion and employability

Integration of third country nationals

Smarter Europe

Enhancing research and innovation

Growth and competitiveness of SMEs

Greener Europe

Energy efficiency

Climate change adaptation

Sustainable water

Nature protection and biodiversity

Connected Europe

Sustainable transport

Social Europe

Education and training infrastructure

Access to health care

Culture and sustainable tourism

Europe closer to citizens

Integrated development in urban areas

Integrated development in rural and coastal areas