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ERDF Programme 2021-2027 of the Brussels Capital Region

Programme description

The programme aims to support sectors with a high social, environmental and economic impact for the region. To this end, funds will be devoted to promoting inclusive economic models, namely those that encourage the participation of more vulnerable people.

Among other interventions, like boosting Small and Medium Enterprises’ economic potential, the programme aims at filling existing gaps in innovation chains and developing the financial offer for innovation processes.

The funds encourage environmentally friendly approaches and the development of digital solutions. Such approach is set to make professional opportunities available, while facilitating citizens’ and businesses’ interactions with the administrations. Such actions are set to stimulate the region’s economic dynamism.

Through the ERDF, the EU also supports the region in its efforts to reduce energy emissions and to transit towards greener solutions. To this end, improving the energy performance of public buildings and of social housing will be crucial. In addition, the ERDF will help amplifying existing waste- and resource-recovery chains, along with supporting the development of high-quality green spaces for all citizens, notably in underprivileged neighbourhoods.

In line with the social profile of the region, the programme also helps to increase the offer of housing and accommodations for vulnerable categories. This action will accompany the improvement of the urban environment and the livability of low-income areas.


Financial information

Breakdown of finances by priority axis

Priority Axis EU Investment National Public Contribution Total Public Contribution
ERDF 121.284.116,00 181.926.174,00 303.210.290,00
Total 121.284.116,00 181.926.174,00 303.210.290,00

Priorities and Specific Objectives

Smarter Europe

Enhancing research and innovation

Reaping the benefits of digitisation

Growth and competitiveness of SMEs

Greener Europe

Energy efficiency

Circular economy

Nature protection and biodiversity

Social Europe

Integration of marginalised communities

Europe closer to citizens

Integrated development in urban areas