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Interreg V-A - United Kingdom-Ireland (Ireland-Northern Ireland-Scotland)

Programme description

Main objectives

The programme will focus on four areas that are seen as crucial for job creation and growth: supporting cross border initiatives to strengthen research and innovation, preserving and protecting the shared environment, promoting the sustainable mobility across the borders and enhancing the cross-border collaboration for the provision of quality health and social care services.

Funding priorities

The programme will focus on the following four priorities:

  • Research and Innovation
  • Environment
  • Sustainable Transport
  • Health

Some of the expected results

  • 514 new researchers will be employed to deliver business and industry relevant research and innovation within two target sectors: Health and Life Sciences and Renewable Energy
  • 1408 entreprises will increase their capacity to engage in cross-border research and innovation activity aimed at the development of new products, processes and tradable services.
  • 4500 ha of habitats will improve their conservation status.
  • 10.000 h.e. served by improved wastewater treatment
  • The share of daily cross-border journeys utilising public transport services will increase from 8,8 to 25%
  • The number of electric vehicle registrations will experience a ten-fold increase across the region, going from 186 to 2000 registrations.
  • 15.000 people will be supported by new cross-border area initiatives for positive health and wellbeing and the prevention of ill health
  • 4.500 patients will avail themselves of e-health interventions to support independent living in caring communities
  • Development and implemention of new border area frameworks for early intervention that will support to 5.000 vulnerable families


Regional Development Fund (ERDF): 240.347.696,00 €

Thematic priorities

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Financial information

Total OP budget: 282.761.998,00 €

Total EU contribution: 240.347.696,00 €

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