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Interreg V-A - Sweden-Finland-Norway (Botnia-Atlantica)

Programme description

Main objectives

The cooperation programme addresses a number of challenges linked to the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy in the sparsely populated areas of the Midnorth of Sweden and Norway and Midwest Finland across the Bay of Bothnia.

The programme's main focus will be on strengthening the research and innovation system by improving cross-border competence centres. Another priority will be to protect the environment and increase the use of the natural and cultural heritage in a sustainable way. This includes development of the world heritage sites in the archipelago of the Bothnian Bay. The programme will also support increased competitiveness of SMEs through cooperation across borders. In addition, it will contribute to improve the East-West transport corridor that links Norway, Sweden and Finland through the programme area.

The programme will develop and implement joint solutions for joint problems, for instance by creating tools and physical and virtual meeting places to boost innovation. The public sector is expected to play an important role in demanding, developing and commercialising innovative solutions.

Botnia-Atlantica will make a significant contribution to the implementation of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region.

Funding priorities

The programme will focus on the following priorities:

  • Develop long-lasting competence centres and increase application of innovations
  • Increased capacity for business cooperation across borders
  • Increased sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage
  • Increased readiness to manage environmental challenges
  • Increased number of strategies supporting East-West transport links
  • Expected impacts

    • 216 new researchers in R&D supported through networking in clusters and competence centres
    • 5% increase in the number of SMEs with own R&D activities
    • 5% increase in the number of SMEs cooperating with others supported through advisory services, networking and mapping
    • 10 600 more visitors to supported world heritage sites
    • Improved conservation status of the environment measured by water quality
    • A number of new transport strategies presented to key persons supported through cross-border preparation of bases for strategies

    Program Text

    Programdokument Botnia-Atlantica


    Regional Development Fund (ERDF): 36.334.420,00 €

    Thematic priorities

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    Financial information

    Total OP budget: 61.284.055,00 €

    Total EU contribution: 36.334.420,00 €

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