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Operational Programme Human Capital

Programme description

New programme represents an important source of investment in employment, education, the fight against poverty and support for social services

The Romanian Operational Programme (OP) "Human Capital" for the implementation of the ESF in the period 2014-2020 outlines the priorities and objectives to invest around €5 billion (of which €4.3 billion from the EU budget) helping Romanians, including youngsters, find a job, improve their education and skills, reducing poverty and social exclusion, supporting better social services and labour market institutions. Specific attention is given to youth, Roma and rural population.

Romania is confronted with important challenges on the labour market, both in the area of employment and poverty. This OP focuses on the main priorities identified for Romania and will represent an important source of investment in employment, education, the fight against poverty or support for social services.

The programme has seven priorities, with the following EU allocations:

Priorities 1 and 2 are dedicated to the implementationof the Youth Guarantee in Romania, with €211 million for YEI eligible regions (Centre, South East and South Muntenia) and €362 million for the rest of the country. The measures will be tailored to the profiles of young people not in employment, education, or training (NEETs). These can include counselling, orientation, training, help to set up companies and support for mobility, as well as incentives for employers to create jobs, apprenticeships programmes etc.

Priority 3, "Jobs for all", has an EU allocation of €1.1 billion. It will support access to employment, with a focus on unemployed and inactive people, long term unemployed, older workers, disabled and persons with lower level of education. This will entail improving their skills, facilitating the recognition of their qualifications or experience; supporting labour mobility between different regions of Romania and assisting the participants in finding a job or setting up micro companies and SMEs), among others.

Priority 4, with €940 million, aims to promote social inclusion and to fight poverty. Integrated measures will help disadvantaged people, including Roma, to access the labour market, by improving their skills and supporting entrepreneurship and social enterprises, among other actions. Several vulnerable groups will be supported, such as homeless, persons suffering from dependence, victims of domestic violence or trafficking, prisoners or ex-offenders, elderly and disabled people. Specific support will also be provided to social services, such as social assistance, health and care services, including support the so-called "de-institutionalisation" (assistance to groups with care needs allowing them to live more independently instead of committing them in institutions).

Priority 5, with €201 million, supports local development under the responsibilities of the communities. It covers urban areas (cities of over 20 000 inhabitants), with a focus on disadvantaged communities. Thus, it will complement the support for rural areas and smaller cities under the Rural Development Programme.

Priority 6, education and skills, will invest €1.2 billion to support second chance education for young NEETs, reduce early school leaving, improve access and quality of tertiary education, support apprenticeships, traineeships and lifelong learning, improve teachers' skills, support entrepreneurship education, as well as vocational education and training in general, always aiming at increasing their relevance to the demands of the labour market. Particular attention is given to disadvantaged people, such as Roma or persons from rural areas or with low skills, for instance through scholarships.

Priority 7 includes the remaining €258 million for technical assistance to implement the programme.


European Social Fund (ESF): 4.292.837.806,00 €

Thematic priorities

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Financial information

Total OP budget: 4.999.755.936,00 €

Total EU contribution: 4.292.837.806,00 €

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