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Interreg V-A - Poland-Slovakia

Programme description

Main objectives

The Cooperation programme addresses the most important cross-border challenges which are linked to the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy in the Polish-Slovak border region. Strategically, the programme will support the development of transport infrastructure to improve cross-border accessibility and provide easier access to TEN-T networks. At the same time, it will address environmental issues and promote effective and sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage. Actions in these two priority areas will be complemented by the development of education, in particular at the post-primary level and the development of lifelong learning opportunities in order to help people adjust to the labour market.

To achieve these strategic objectives, the programme aims to:

  • create an integrated traffic network to accelerate economic growth and reduce travel time between the areas on both sides of the border;
  • increase the attractiveness of the common natural and cultural heritage, taking into account environnemental protection and climate change;
  • adaptat the vocational education system to the requirements of the cross-border labour market and to the expectations of employers.


Funding priorities

The programme will focus on the following three priorities:

  • Protection and development of the cross-border area's natural environmental and cultural heritage
  • Sustainable cross-border transport
  • Development of cross-border education and lifelong learning

    Some of the expected results

    • 160 km of reconstructed or upgraded roads
    • 200 hectares of ecosystems involved in cross-border natural heritage protection projects
    • 32 new or updated cross-border e-products and e-services
    • 25 new products to increase the attractiveness of the common cultural and natural heritage thereby increasing the number of visits by 250 000
    • 550 joint local employment initiatives and joint trainings.


    Regional Development Fund (ERDF): 178.597.014,00 €

    Thematic priorities

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    Financial information

    Total OP budget: 210.114.137,00 €

    Total EU contribution: 178.597.014,00 €

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