en English

OP Infrastructure and Environment

Programme description

Main objectives:

The Programme envisages a set of concrete measures to support the further shift of Poland towards a more competitive and low-carbon economy that makes efficient use of natural resources, favours low power consumption and advocates a significant reduction of CO² emissions. Important investments in more sustainable transport and energy networks, environmental protection, climate adaptation and mitigation techniques as well as health and culture will nurture a more pro-business environment. They are also expected to significantly improve the living conditions of the 38 million Polish citizens.

Funding priorities:

The programme provides support on 10 thematic objectives. It mainly concentrates its resources on:

  • transport infrastructure (63.88% on thematic objective 7 including 18% for rail);
  • low-carbon economy (15% on thematic objective 4);
  • climate change adaptation, risk prevention & management and environment protection (more than 12% on thematic objective 5)

Expected impacts:

The programme defines a number of ambitious goals to be achieved by the end of the programming period, in particular:

  • Increase in the share of renewable energy in gross final consumption to 15%;
  • Reduction of greenhouse gas emission by 20.6% compared to 1990 levels;
  • 6,500 kilometres of new, extended or modernised wastewater network;
  • 100% of Natura 2000 sites covered by management plans;
  • 120 new or modernised wastewater treatment plants;
  • Decrease of travel time by road and rail between the main Polish cities to 3.7 hours;
  • Construction and modernisation of 591 kilometres of gas pipelines
  • 522 kilometres of reconstructed or upgraded railway;
  • 167 new or modernised items of railway rolling stock;

Programme text

Program Infrastruktura i Środowisko 2014-2020

  • 86 kilometres of new or improved metro and tram lines.


Cohesion Fund (CF): 22.436.807.603,00 €

Regional Development Fund (ERDF): 5.741.829.909,00 €

Thematic priorities

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Financial information

Total OP budget: 33.037.331.613,00 €

Total EU contribution: 28.178.637.512,00 €

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