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Interreg V-A - Italy-France (Maritime)

Programme description

Main objectives

The programme will promote entrepreneurship, a safer environment, the valorisation of natural and cultural resources, sustainable mobility and social inclusion through economic development. At the same time, it will address climate change issues, connection of secondary and tertiary nodes to the TEN-T network and joint training schemes in the cross border area. Actions in these priorities areas will be complemented by efforts to foster closer and more effective co-operation of administrations.

Funding priorities

The programme will focus on the following four priorities:

  • Promotion of enterprises' competitiveness in the cross-border priority sectors
  • Preservation and valorisation of cultural and natural heritage and risk management
  • Improving territory accessibility and sustainability of ports' activity
  • Improving employment opportunity and social inclusion through economic activity
  • Some of the expected results

    • 1000 enterprises receiving support
    • 57 additional public institutions adopting strategies to tackle environmental risks
    • 10 additional joint management actions implemented for the preservation and the promotion of natural and cultural heritage
    • 6 additional action plans designed for noise pollution reduction in ports of the cross-border area
    • 9 additional action plans to implement measures towards a less pollutant maritime navigation
    • 145 less maritime incidents in the cooperation area.


    Regional Development Fund (ERDF): 169.702.411,00 €

    Thematic priorities

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    Financial information

    Total OP budget: 199.649.897,00 €

    Total EU contribution: 169.702.411,00 €

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