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ROP Friuli Venezia Giulia ERDF

Programme description

Main objectives

The programme aims to create growth and jobs by boosting innovation and competitiveness, and improving the regional system of R&D. It shares the objectives defined by the Europe 2020 strategy for a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. The programme aims to increase SMEs competitiveness and strengthen research and innovation. Finally, the programme will contribute to improve the energy efficiency in the region as well as the development of urban areas.

Funding priorities

The programme will focus on four main priorities:

  • Reinforcing research, technological development and innovation
  • Promoting SMEs competitiveness
  • Supporting the transition towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors
  • Developing urban areas

Expected impacts

  • Support the creation of 765 new jobs
  • Promote 150 collaboration schemes between enterprises and research institutions
  • Support 110 new enterprises
  • Improve the energy consumption classification for 30 households
  • Support energy efficiency and energy-consumption reduction in 319.000 m2 of public buildings
  • Support the renovation of 7.000 m2 of cultural heritage in urban areas


Regional Development Fund (ERDF): 115.389.592,00 €

Thematic priorities

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Financial information

Total OP budget: 230.779.184,00 €

Total EU contribution: 115.389.592,00 €

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