en English


Programme description

Main objectives

The programme aims to create growth and jobs by boosting innovation and competitiveness, and improving the regional system of R&D. It shares the objectives defined by the Europe 2020 strategy for a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. The programme aims to increase SMEs competitiveness and strengthen research and innovation. The programme will contribute to improve the energy efficiency in the region and preserve the natural and cultural heritage.

The programme will also contribute to promoting Molise’s ability to achieve key EU and national development priorities in the field of employment and social inclusion by intervening on employment, education and training in a reinforced social dimension.

Funding priorities

The programme will focus on nine main priorities:

  • Enhance and promote research, technological development and innovation (22% of total ERDF financial allocation).
  • Improve and extend access to ICT, including the improvement of ICT services (11% of total ERDF financial allocation).
  • Promote competitiveness of the productive system (31% of total ERDF financial allocation).
  • Sustain energetic efficiency and the use of renewable energies as well as the efficient use of resources (19% of total ERDF financial allocation)
  • Preserve and promote natural and cultural heritage (13% of total ERDF financial allocation).
  • Contribute to the creation of new jobs (49% of total ESF financial allocation).
  • Reinforcing social inclusion and fight against poverty (26% of total ESF financial allocation).
  • Support Education and training (20% of total ESF financial allocation).
  • Reinforcing Institutional and administrative capacity (1% of total ESF financial allocation).
  • Expected impacts

    • Support the creation of 411 new jobs
    • Promote 100 collaboration schemes between enterprises and research institutions
    • Support 440 enterprises
    • Increase the production of energy from renewable sources of 4,7 MW
    • Reduction of CO2 equivalent emission for ton. 4.350
    • Offering work opportunities for more than 1300 young people
    • Increasing the customer satisfaction of the Public Employment services from 55% up to 80%
    • Sustain the social economy and offering pathways of social inclusion up to 2600 people
    • Increase the efficiency of the Public administration through training of more than 400 employees

    Programme text

    Programma Operativo Regionale Molise FESR - FSE 2014-2020


    Regional Development Fund (ERDF): 52.950.497,00 €

    European Social Fund (ESF): 23.853.230,00 €

    Thematic priorities

    View the data

    Financial information

    Total OP budget: 125.130.412,00 €

    Total EU contribution: 76.803.727,00 €

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