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Competitiveness and Cohesion OP

Programme description

Main objectives

The main aims of the programme are to boost economic competitiveness, support alignment with the EU environmental acquis, invest in transport infrastructure (TEN-T) and network infrastructure. The EU allocation amounts to EUR 6.88 billion (4.3 billion from the European Regional and Development Fund and 2.56 billion from the Cohesion Fund).

Funding priorities

The programme focusses on 9 thematic objectives (all except TOs 8 and 11).

Almost 60% of the ERDF allocation is aimed at strengthening the economic competitiveness of the country. It will support national efforts to develop an innovation-driven economy, primarily by building-up scientific excellence, encouraging Research/Development/Innovation investment and technology transfer in the business sector. Next generation network (NGN) broadband will be further extended and e-public services developed. Competitiveness and innovation in Small and Medium sized Enterprises will be supported through increased entrepreneurship, better access to finance and the development of high-quality business services.

A substantial share of the Cohesion Fund allocation is allocated to investments necessary for compliance with EU Directives in the waste and water sectors. ERDF funding will be invested in the development of energy efficiency in public buildings and housing, as well as the production of renewable energy resources at local level. Biodiversity and ecosystems will be further preserved, including through the development of the Natura 2000 network. Particular support will be dedicated to demining, as well as the prevention and monitoring of the natural risks.

In the transport sector, ERDF and the Cohesion Fund will strengthen the connectivity of the country and the regions to trans-European networks (railway, inland waterway and roads), support the modernisation of Dubrovnik airport, connect islands to the mainland, develop sustainable urban mobility in major cities, as well as improve road safety.

Furthermore, the ERDF will intervene in complementarity with the programme "Efficient human resources" (European Social Fund) in the sectors of education (e-schools) and vocational training, the development of community-based services and primary health care services.

Urban sustainable development will be implemented through integrated territorial investments (6% ERDF). The use of financial instruments is envisaged (support to SMEs, energy).

Expected impact:

  • 67% increase of patent applications, trademarks and industrial design
  • 53% of the households covered by broadband coverage (instead of 33% in 2013); 50% of primary and secondary schools e-connected and using e-learning
  • average annual heating/cooling energy demand in retrofitted public buildings of 50Wh/m2 (instead of 250)
  • 1 million inhabitants served by improved water supply and wastewater treatment
  • 35% of municipal waste deposited in/on land (instead of 92% in 2011); 10 new operational waste management centres
  • 100% of the territory covered by regular monitoring and evaluation of climate change impacts
  • 100% of the population covered by air quality information in urban areas
  • 40% of the Natura 2000 management framework in place
  • 78 km reconstructed or upgraded TEN-T railway line
  • 10% decrease in the number of admissions to acute care, thanks to the development of additional primary health care services


Cohesion Fund (CF): 2.130.755.644,00 €

Regional Development Fund (ERDF): 4.833.056.928,00 €

Thematic priorities

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Financial information

Total OP budget: 8.161.551.172,00 €

Total EU contribution: 6.963.812.572,00 €

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