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Interreg V-A - France (Mayotte-Comores-Madagascar)

Programme description

The Interreg V- Mayotte-Comores-Madagascar cooperation programme for the period 2014-2020 focuses on cross-border cooperation between the outermost region of Mayotte and the neighbouring islands of Comoros and Madagascar.

The programme consists of three priority areas, plus technical assistance for implementing the programme:

1- Increasing trade: The aim of this initiative is to boost the region's economy by reducing any obstacles to trade in the key sectors, which include agro-processing, aquaculture, information and communication technologies (ICT), tourism and maritime transport. The programme will offer support and advice to businesses with a particular focus on their import-export initiatives, the organisation of production, processing and marketing chains, as well as growth in maritime and air transport services.

2- Improving emergency services and the population's state of health: This strategic priority aims to improve healthcare services in the three territories by facilitating the mobility of medical and paramedical staff, developing knowledge transfer and improving emergency services, especially sea rescue services. It also aims to prevent the spread of water-borne and vector-borne diseases by promoting the transfer of knowledge regarding water analysis, sanitisation and waste management.

3- Promoting access to education through mobility: This initiative aims to promote mobility for high-school and university students and teachers in subjects relating to the economic needs of the region. It will operate in tandem with the European Erasmus + programme and promote mobility particularly between the University Training and Research Centre (CUFR) in Mayotte, the University of the Comoros and the Madagascan universities (Antananarivo, North Madagascar and Mahajanga).

The results expected from these investments include;

  • A doubling of trade between Mayotte and Madagascar/Comoros.
  • The establishment of approximately 50 active businesses in the cross-border market.
  • Assistance with administration and support for over 300 businesses.
  • The establishment of 10 healthcare centres managed by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the Comoros and Madagascar.
  • The signing of ten new partnership agreements between training and educational institutions in Mayotte, Comoros and Madagascar.

The Prefecture of Mayotte is the managing authority responsible for implementing the programme. A joint secretariat based in Mayotte will assist with the programme, in conjunction with representatives from Comoros and Madagascar.

The Comoros and Madagascar also benefit from development programmes supported by the European Development Fund (EDF). These initiatives will be managed in coordination with the Interreg programme, with the aim of setting up cooperation projects jointly financed by the EDF and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).


Regional Development Fund (ERDF): 11.651.527,00 €

Thematic priorities

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Financial information

Total OP budget: 13.707.680,00 €

Total EU contribution: 11.651.527,00 €

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