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Interreg V-A - Spain-Portugal (POCTEP)

Programme description

Main objectives

The cooperation programme Interreg V-A Spain-Portugal (POCTEP) addresses the most important cross-border challenges linked to the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy in the Spanish - Portuguese border region.

Under the heading of "smart growth", the programme aims to strengthen cross-border regional innovation capacity, and to increase cooperation between small and medium-sized enterprises and the research and development sector across borders.

Under the heading of "sustainable growth", the programme aims to promote adaptation to climate change, prevention and management of risks, reduction of the environmental impact of economic development and promotion of resource efficiency.

Finally, with regard to "territorial cohesion" the programme targets the development and improvement of cross border public services and the enhancement of the identification of citizens with the Spanish - Portuguese border region.

Funding priorities

The programme will focus on the following four priorities:

  • Smart growth – making the Spanish - Portuguese border region area a region of knowledge and innovation that is competitive internationally.
  • Smart growth – making the Spanish - Portuguese border region area more competitive internationally, and promoting economic development that respects the environment.
  • Sustainable growth – promoting climate change adaptation, risk prevention and, resource efficiency.
  • Territorial Cohesion - promoting cross border cooperation between administrations and citizens in the Upper Rhine border area. 
  • Some of the expected results

    • Strengthen the cross-border use of research infrastructures: + 402 researchers.
    • Surface area of Habitats supported to attain a better conservation status: 200,000 Hectares in Spanish - Portuguese border region.
    • Increase the share of renewable energy consumption in the Spanish - Portuguese border region
    • Increase the number of SMEs conducting cross-border activities: + 2580 enterprises.
    • Improve the quality of cross-border services of administrations and institutions in the Spanish - Portuguese border region. 7,459,022 citizens are concerned by future concrete projects on the ground.


    Regional Development Fund (ERDF): 365.769.686,00 €

    Thematic priorities

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    Financial information

    Total OP budget: 484.687.353,00 €

    Total EU contribution: 365.769.686,00 €

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