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OP Thüringen ERDF 2014-2020

Programme description

Main objectives

The Programme aims to foster economic growth in Thuringia. To achieve this, the programme plans to increase private expenditure for research and development, create jobs and boost productivity particularly in SMEs, and reduce CO2 emissions stemming from transport, public infrastructures and buildings, as well as from enterprises. Beyond that a priority will be put on flood prevention measures, as well as on strengthening the role of cities with regard to their sustainable urban development strategies. Major points herein will address brown-field conversion, the improvement of the economic and living conditions in deprived areas as well as demographic challenges.

Funding priorities

The Programme will focus on five main priorities:

  • Strengthening research infrastructure, technological development and innovation in enterprises and cooperation between enterprises and research organisations.
  • Strengthening the competitiveness of small and medium sized enterprises including support for start-ups, business succession and productive investments.
  • Support for the reduction of CO2-emissions and increase of energy efficiency in all areas of the economy, among others in public buildings and local transport.
  • Risk management and prevention, adaptation to climate change and support for sustainable flood prevention measures.
  • Sustainable urban development: measures to improve living and economic conditions in cities and investing into social infrastructure including barrier-free access.

Expected impacts

  • Private R&D expenditure to increase to 2%
  • Over 100 million EUR of private investments induced in R&D beyond public support
  • Increase of gross fixed capital formation per capita in enterprises by over 50% (to 14.000 EUR)
  • Guest nights of foreign tourists to increase by over 20% to 730.000 per year
  • Reduction of CO2-emissions in public buildings and infrastructures by 20%
  • Reduction of CO2-emissions in transport by 10%
  • Reduction of the value of assets potentially endangered by floods by 10%
  • 400 ha newly converted brown-fields


Regional Development Fund (ERDF): 1.255.943.331,00 €

Thematic priorities

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Financial information

Total OP budget: 1.547.212.811,00 €

Total EU contribution: 1.255.943.331,00 €

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