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OP Sachsen ERDF 2014-2020

Programme description

Main objectives

The specific objectives of the ERDF Operational Programme of Saxony directly address the Europe 2020 objectives, particularly emphasising the goals related to research, development & innovation and climate change & energy sustainability. 81% of Saxony's total ERDF allocation is foreseen for supporting research & innovation, for reducing CO2 emissions and for enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs.

Funding priorities

The Programme will focus on five main priorities:

  • Strengthening research, technological development and innovation
  • Enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs
  • Supporting the reduction of CO2 emissions
  • Risk prevention
  • Sustainable urban development

Expected impacts

Most funds are foreseen for strengthening research and development in the Saxon economy and for improving applied research in Saxony, in line with the regional innovation strategy. As a result, the yet insufficient R&D expenditure of the SME-dominated economy is expected to increase and the well-developed public research infrastructure can be better used for a knowledge-based economic growth. In this context, 4,200 cooperation projects between research institutes and enterprises including third-party funds are to be realised, and it is expected that around 330 Million Euro private funds from the Saxon economy will be mobilised for research and innovation projects.

The competitiveness of SMEs in Saxony will be enhanced in particular by the support for increasing productivity, for the market introduction of new, innovative products and processes, and for the development of a high-speed broadband network. The productive investments are expected to result in 1,400 new jobs in 250 supported enterprises. 26,900 SMEs are to be provided with access to high speed broad band.

The shift to a low-carbon economy will be supported through investments increasing the energy efficiency of public buildings and enterprises, and through support for environment friendly, low-emission modes of transport. This should lead to a reduction of annual greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 149,000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent.


In view of the increasing number of extreme weather conditions as a result of climate change, risk prevention is of high importance in Saxony. ERDF support in this area focuses on flood protection. 15,000 persons are supposed to benefit from ERDF co-funded flood protection measures.

Finally, 8% of funds will be used to tackle the concentration of social, economic and environmental problems in urban areas, with a focus on disadvantaged districts. In this context, one of the objectives is to rehabilitate 820,000 square meters of open space in urban areas.


Regional Development Fund (ERDF): 2.240.468.305,00 €

Thematic priorities

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Financial information

Total OP budget: 2.762.723.325,00 €

Total EU contribution: 2.240.468.305,00 €

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