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OP Baden-Württemberg ERDF 2014-2020

Programme description

Main objectives

The ERDF programme of Baden-Württemberg 2014-2020 "Innovation and Energiewende" focuses on maintaining the top position of Baden-Württemberg as one of the most innovative and economically strong regions in the European Union as well as on boosting the Energiewende and reducing CO2-emmissions. With these goals Baden-Württemberg makes a measurable contribution to the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

The programme will be implemented on the one hand through tailor-made funding instruments in the field of innovation and the Energiewende. On the other hand stakeholders in cities and communities are invited to commonly develop sustainable regional development concepts.

To achieve this Baden-Württemberg launched already in March 2013 a competition: RegioWIN for the best regional development concepts (=integrated territorial investments). The winner regions of the first selection round were awarded in January 2014. The stakeholders of these winner regions are invited to draft and propose flagship projects which will be cofinanced by ERDF. The programme amounts to € 246,6 mio for the period 2014-2020. 30% of this amount is reserved for RegioWIN.

Funding priorities

The programme concentrates on two priorities:

1. Research, technological development and innovation

 The high innovative potential and competitiveness of the economy in Baden-Württemberg should be strengthened through specific investments and the following measures:

  • Boosting applied sciences as well as world-class research,
  • Supporting the cooperation between enterprises, universities, research institutes and stakeholders in the field of technology transfer in clusters and networks,
  • Improving the access of small and medium sized enterprises to the results of applied sciences through technology transfer,
  • Developing methods for phosphor recycling,
  • Supporting high-tech start-ups and
  • Fostering innovation in small and medium sized enterprises with the potential for technological leadership in the rural area.

The ERDF programme is closely linked to the innovation strategy of Baden-Württemberg.

2. Reducing CO2-emissions 

There is a great potential to reduce CO2-emissions through energy efficiency measures. An energy efficiency network which covers the whole of Baden-Württemberg will assist enterprises for a better use of energy.

Moreover, the CO2-emmission of cities and communities should be reduced through exemplary awareness raising projects based on integrated strategies and concepts. In addition, innovative pilot projects in the timber construction industry should also contribute to reducing CO2-emissions.         

Some of the expected results

  • Realising and enlarging 17 research and innovation infrastructure projects to support innovation activities especially of small and medium sized enterprises,
  • Offering technology transfer activities to 3.600 SME's,
  • Supporting 90 SME's which have the potential for technological leadership,
  • Supporting 27 start-ups in the high-tech-field,
  • Creating a network of energy efficiency for the whole of Baden-Württemberg,
  • Supporting 40 local and regional strategies for reducing the CO2-emissions in cities and communities and exchanging best practise examples,
  • Reducing the annual greenhouse gas emissions by 6.700 tonnes.


Regional Development Fund (ERDF): 359.588.189,00 €

Thematic priorities

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Financial information

Total OP budget: 609.615.310,00 €

Total EU contribution: 359.588.189,00 €

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