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New electric trains to improve reliability and service on Croatia’s rail network

  • 20 February 2020

Through a project backed by the EU’s Cohesion Fund, 21 new electric trains will be purchased for HŽPP, Croatia’s railway operator and sole provider of passenger train services in the country. The introduction of the new rolling stock will boost service quality, reduce delays due to unreliability and should encourage more people to take the train.

The aim of the project is to continue the modernisation of Croatia’s rolling stock and to develop the competitiveness of passenger services by making them more efficient and appealing to the public. In addition, the upgrade will improve regional connectivity and mobility, especially in cities.

Meeting different needs

Two different types of trains have been ordered and adapted to meet the demands of the rail network. Eleven of the 21 units will be used on urban or sub-urban services, while the other 10 are destined for regional services. 

The new trains will have three to four doors on regional services and six to eight doors on urban routes, which enables rapid entry and exit of passengers. The trains are single-deck and have low floors. This design will improve the accessibility of passenger rail services to all sections of society. To improve levels of comfort, both the passenger sections and the driver’s cab will be air conditioned.

The trains for regional transport will have at least 210 seats and total capacity of approximately 400 passengers, including seating and standing places. Trains for urban transport will have at least 130 seats and total capacity of around 500 passengers, including seating and standing places.

Each train has a maximum speed of 160 km/h. The steering and diagnostic systems are controlled by a microprocessor system that links the train subsystems with modern communication protocols. This makes it possible to link up to three trains into one. In addition, all units will be equipped with the European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) level 2.

Moreover, the new rolling stock complements on-going and planned infrastructure improvements across the Croatian railway network. For example, part of the new fleet will operate on the sections Zapresic to Zabok and Dugo Selo to Krizevci, which are currently being modernised with the help of EU funds. 

Environment-friendly technology

As well as improving service levels and reducing delays, the trains promise to deliver a host of other benefits. A more efficient fleet of trains will reduce noise, vibrations and emissions, thereby minimising the rail network’s impact on the environment and climate. HŽPP can expect a reduction in operational costs through the greater efficiency.

The investment in new rolling stock is timely. Many current vehicles are 30 to 45 years old and will soon reach their design lifetime. Their unreliability and maintenance requirements have contributed to service delays across the network.

HŽPP has already started modernising its rolling stock fleet. By the end of 2016, 22 electric (including two prototypes) and one diesel unit were successfully put into service. This allows for the replacement of older carriages.


Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “HŽ Passenger Transport’s rolling stock renewal by new electric multiple-units” is EUR 175 320 164, with the EU’s Cohesion Fund contributing EUR 119 286 514 through the “Competitiveness and Cohesion” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the priority “Connectivity and Mobility”.