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REACT-EU: €206 million for the recovery, the green and digital transition in Austria, Germany, Malta and France

  • 10 February 2022
REACT-EU: €206 million for the recovery, the green and digital transition in Austria, Germany, Malta and France

Thanks to the 2022 tranche of grants under the Recovery Assistance for Cohesion and the Territories of Europe (REACT-EU), four Member States are now receiving additional resources of €206 million to strengthen their health systems and to boost the green and digital transitions in their regions.

In Germany, Bavaria will receive a top up of €44 million to support local small and medium businesses’ (SMEs) investments in energy efficiency, and to invest in flood protection. The region of North Rhine-Westphalia will receive €64 million to digitalise educational institutions, the tourism and the health sectors as well as to invest in low-emission mobility and green infrastructure.

In Malta, €11 million will be invested in new equipment to treat cancer patients and to reinforce surgical and operating wards, but also to support the digitalisation of patient’s health records.

In France, the OP Nord-Pas-de-Calais will invest an additional €36 million to the €142 million already received under REACT-EU’s 2021 tranche to offer new services, such as financial support to SMEs to develop digital skills, reduce social inequality, invest in the green economy and transport, for example in the sustainable mobility, and to improve access to health services. The OP Picardie will receive additional €18 million that are added to Picardie’s 2021 tranche of €71 million, mainly to support research and innovation projects in SMEs as well as the acquisition of health materials and improvement of patient care.

In Austria, €33 million will be invested to support SMEs which were negatively affected by the pandemic, to boost research and innovation and to invest in renewable energy and energy efficiency. A small part of it will also fund a pilot Community-Led Local Development scheme in the region of Tyrol, giving citizens the opportunity to participate in the design of EU projects to support the green transition. 

REACT-EU is part of NextGenerationEU and provides €50.6 billion additional funding (in current prices) over the course of 2021 and 2022 to the 2014-2020 Cohesion policy programmes.

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