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Save the date for the 3rd EU Macro-Regional Strategies Week and shape the programme with us!

  • 14 January 2022
Save the date for the 3rd EU Macro-Regional Strategies Week and shape the programme with us!

The 3rd edition will stand under the motto Engage, Empower, Evolve and is centered around three topics: Youth, European Green Deal and Social Innovation.

Preparations for the 3rd EU Macro-Regional Strategies Week (EU MRS Week) are in full speed, taking place from 7 to 11 March 2022

The purpose of the third edition is to Engage with stakeholders from across the MRS and the EU institutions, to Empower them to take charge of the opportunities MRS offer in order to Evolve their macro-regions towards a smart and sustainable future.

With 2022 being the European Year of Youth, the event will put a special notion on how MRS empower young people to become active citizens and actors of positive change, to promote opportunities provided by EU policies for young people and to include their ideas and visions through MRS.

Registration will open by mid-February 2022.

Shape the Programme with us!

For the first time, a call for stakeholder sessions will be launched. These sessions will broaden involvement and give various stakeholders from the EU and beyond the possibility to shape the EU MRS Week with us.

How to get involved? Together with our contractor Teamwork, we will open a call for stakeholders between mid-January 2022 and 6 February 2022. During the call, you will have to submit the agenda, title and scope of the session, preferred time slot, provide the names of the speakers, moderator etc.

Our evaluation committee will select the most out of the box and interactive proposals that fit to the three topics : Youth, European Green Deal and Social Innovation. Proposals touching simultaneously different topics are more than welcome!

We encourage everyone to spread the news and to start preparing your contributions now!

For more information on the available time slots for stakeholder sessions, please see the draft programme:

  • 7 March: Opening session, Youth session, European Green Deal session (afternoon, organised by DG REGIO)
  • 8 March: Social Innovation sessions and speech by Commissioner Ferreira (morning, organised by DG REGIO), Slots for stakeholder sessions in the afternoon (13:30-15:00, 15:30-17:00)
  • 9 March: Slots for Stakeholder sessions (9:00-10:30, 11-12:30, 13:30-15:00, 15:30-17:00)
  • 10 March: Slots for stakeholder sessions (9:00-10:30, 11-12:30, 13:30-15:00, 15:30-17:00)
  • 11 March: 14th High-Level Group Meeting, followed by the 5th MRS Presidency and Trio Meeting (co-organised by the Lithuanian Presidency of the EUSBSR)

Format of the EU MRS Week

The EU MRS Week will be held in hybrid format with limited possibility of physical presence in Brussels for speakers of the Commission organised sessions on Monday and Tuesday and for invited participants to the 14th HLG meeting and the 5th MRS Presidency and Trio Meeting on Friday.

The stakeholder sessions will be organised digitally.

Compared to 2021, all session will be open to stakeholders and the public with exception of the 5th MRS Presidency and Trio Meeting on Friday afternoon.

More information on the stakeholder call will follow soon.

More information