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Web Summit: Cohesion Policy one of the main investment policies for SMEs and the digital industry

  • 01 November 2021
Web Summit: Cohesion Policy one of the main investment policies for SMEs and the digital industry

The Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) is part of an EU delegation participating in this year’s Web Summit (private sector event for businesses in the tech industry), which is taking place from 1 November to 4 November in Lisbon, Portugal.

In a session during the Summit, on 4 November, DG REGIO will inform about funding opportunities for SMEs. In the programming period for 2014-2020  600,000 SMEs (110,000 in R&I / ICT) were supported by the European Union’s cohesion policy. In the programming period 2021-2027, cohesion policy will continue to finance projects enhancing sustainable growth and competitiveness of SMEs and job creation in SMEs.

SMEs are invited to contact the managing authority of cohesion policy funds in their region for more information on possibilities of funding from ohesion policy funds.

Commissioner Ferreira giving opening speech of the Corporate Innovation Summit

Furthermore, Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms Elisa Ferreira will deliver the opening speech at the Corporate Innovation Summit on 1 November at 10h00, a side-event of the Web Summit. The topic of her speech is the “Innovation Divide: Bridging the Gap for Europe’s Regions”. In her speech Commissioner Ferreira will underline the necessity to foster innovation in every region in Europe in order to bridge the innovation divide.