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A new step towards setting up of the European Urban Initiative supported by ERDF

  • 10 May 2021
A new step towards setting up of the European Urban Initiative supported by ERDF

In our fast-changing world, Europe is facing pressing societal challenges – environmental degradation and climate change, the digital revolution, demographic transition, migration and social inequalities – and cities are often in the frontline to deliver solutions. Cohesion policy is at the heart of this process – both in terms of funding support and of fostering strategic, integrated and inclusive approach to address todays’ challenges of cities. For the 2021-27 period, the European Commission proposes the launch of a new European Urban Initiative to support cities with innovative actions, capacity and knowledge building, policy development and communication on sustainable urban development.

On 5 May 2021 DG REGIO published a call for expression of interest for the selection of an entrusted entity for the indirect management of the European Urban Initiative (hyperlink to the call The Expression of interest call is addressed to Managing Authorities of interregional and/or transnational ERDF programmes under the conditions defined in the call.

Beyond informing eligible applicants on modalities and conditions to express their interest, the call provides for further details on the EUI intervention logic and support activities that will be made available to EU cities as from 2022. A wide range of stakeholders, in particular, from cities, regions and Member States, as well as from the intergovernmental cooperation on urban matters were consulted in the design of the EUI content.


The urban dimension of Cohesion policy has been strengthened for the period 2021-2027. The five Policy Objectives of Cohesion policy focused on Smarter, Greener, More Connected and More Social Europe as well as a Europe closer to Citizens will mobilise substantial investments in urban areas. A minimum 8% of the ERDF resources in each Member State must be invested in priorities and projects selected by cities themselves and based on their own sustainable urban development strategies. The new Policy Objective ‘a Europe closer to Citizens’ has been introduced to the main policy framework as an enhanced commitment to integrated territorial development and includes a specific objective to foster sustainable urban development. It provides local actors with opportunities to take the lead in identifying and addressing their diverse challenges, and above all, to tap into their local development potentials. The European Urban Initiative aims at supporting cities within this new Cohesion policy frame, encouraging them to be bold on innovation and to spread the benefits of tested solutions across Europe while supporting capacity building and evidence-based policy making, and knowledge sharing, on sustainable urban development.