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Smart Regions: Aveiro’s living technology laboratory to innovate and create job opportunities

  • 12 November 2020
Smart Regions: Aveiro’s living technology laboratory to innovate and create job opportunities

Aveiro, located in Portugal’s Centro region, is a living technology hub thanks to the Aveiro Steam City project. The city suffers from brain drain and needs to help local firms to rethink the resources they need to innovate and grow, with creative roles equipped with the necessary digital competences.

This EU cohesion policy project helps tackling these challenges by focusing on a stronger education offer to produce a new range of talents – including artistic, creative and human sciences areas – with a STEAM approach (adding the “A” for Arts and creativity to the domains of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths).

Moreover, the city is a trial city for 5G technologies, using it as the basis for the transition into a next economy based on knowledge and digital platforms, valorising RD&I, open data and the development of new products and services for the growth and creation of new companies and jobs.  


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