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TAIEX-REGIO PEER 2 PEER goes online!

  • 11 June 2020
TAIEX-REGIO PEER 2 PEER goes online!

TAIEX-REGIO PEER 2 PEER has improved its offer of peer learning on regional policy by adding a new option for organising online exchanges. Managing authorities and other bodies involved in managing the European Regional Development Fund and the Cohesion Fund can now organise webinars with experts from other EU countries to improve their administrative capacity. Building on TAIEX-REGIO PEER 2 PEER’s experience and large database of experts, the new online exchanges provide another way to di

TAIEX-REGIO PEER 2 PEER has improved its offer of peer learning on regional policy by adding a new option for organising online exchanges.

Managing authorities and other bodies involved in managing the European Regional Development Fund and the Cohesion Fund can now organise webinars with experts from other EU countries to improve their administrative capacity.

Building on TAIEX-REGIO PEER 2 PEER’s experience and large database of experts, the new online exchanges provide another way to discuss and learn about topics related to regional policy.

Public authorities interested in one or more tailor-made exchanges can apply by filling in the application form and expressing their preference for the exchange to take place online. The TAIEX team will help you find a suitable expert and set up the online exchange, by providing translation services if need be.

Any questions? Drop us an email at


Since 2015, TAIEX-REGIO PEER 2 PEER has helped organise some 200 events to facilitate peer learning and exchanges of experience between public administrations that manage the European Regional and Development Fund and the Cohesion Fund.

Across the EU, some 24,000 public officials are involved in implementing regional policy. They possess a wealth of knowledge, and the COVID-19 pandemic will not get in the way of sharing good practice and learning from each other.