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3 stops of Warsaw’s Metro Line 2 up and running!

  • 16 September 2019
3 stops of Warsaw’s Metro Line 2 up and running!

On 15 September 3 out of 6 planned new Warsaw metro stations have been inaugurated. The newly opened stations: Trocka, Targówek Mieszkaniowy and Szwedzka are a part of EU co-financed project which foresees construction of 6 new metro stations, as well as installation of technical facilities at the existing Kabaty station, the purchase of 13 new trains and preparatory work for an additional extension to the line. For this extension, the European Union is investing more than EUR 432&nb

On 15 September 3 out of 6 planned new Warsaw metro stations have been inaugurated. The newly opened stations: Trocka, Targówek Mieszkaniowy and Szwedzka are a part of EU co-financed project which foresees construction of 6 new metro stations, as well as installation of technical facilities at the existing Kabaty station, the purchase of 13 new trains and preparatory work for an additional extension to the line. For this extension, the European Union is investing more than EUR 432 million – out of a total cost of nearly EUR 749 million. 

With a population of about 1.75 million, Warsaw is one of the most congested cities in Europe. Its metro currently consists of two lines: line 1 linking central Warsaw with its densely populated northern and southern suburbs, and the initial central segment of the east-west line 2. The latter received EU financial support of almost EUR 2 billion from EU funds (EUR 1,905,732,538) granted under several projects realised in the 2007-2013 financial perspective. At present, line 2 includes seven stations – from Rondo Daszyńskiego to Dworzec Wileński – and is 6.7 kilometres in length. Currently ongoing development of line 2 aims at improving connections between the eastern and western sides of the city and better integrating Warsaw’s various urban transport systems. As a result, residents will have easier access to fast, modern and clean transport and the project will achieve its primary objective of increasing the share of public transport use for journeys within the city. 

‘Warsaw Metro is not just an urban project. It is a symbolic project in many respects. Initial plans of the Warsaw metro began at the beginning of the 20th century and design work accelerated after Poland regained independence. Work on the Warsaw underground railway continued and finally, the opening of the first metro section took place in 1995, after the start of the political transformation in Poland. At that time it was a symbol of changes, freedom and new perspectives. Today's opening of metro line 2 section adds a new chapter to this story, written together with the people of united Europe. Once again it becomes a symbol - this time a symbol of solidarity of the European Union.’ said at the opening Witold Naturski, Deputy Head of Representation of the European Commission in Warsaw. 

The number of journeys on the metro is expected to reach approximately 218 million in 2020. If referred to the number of 310 million of all rail passengers in Poland in the same year, it shows the scale of the impact of this mode of transport in only one agglomeration. It also shows how much this investment is needed.

Currently Warsaw Metro has 21 stations and is 22.7 kilometres in length. When it is complete, line 2 is expected to be 32 kilometres long and to have 27 stations. Plans are also under development for the construction of a third metro line. It is initially intended to have eight stations.