
2021-2027 technical seminars: ‘Webinar on 2021-2027 programming VOL 3’


  • 16 June 2021
  • Brussels, Belgium

As follow-up to 2021-2027 technical webinars held in 2019 and 2020, the European Commission is organising the third technical webinar that will focus on remaining issues of 2021-2027 programming. The webinar will take place on 16 June 2021, 9:30-17:30 on WebEx. Speakers from Directorates-General for Regional and Urban Policy and Employment, and Social Affairs and Inclusion will provide updated information on the outstanding issues related to cohesion policy programming in the 2021-2027 programming period. This will include horizontal and other principles, templates of Partnership Agreements and programmes and other aspects of programming process. In addition, speakers will also comment on a few aspects related to cohesion policy implementation. In line with the technical character of the webinar, it is dedicated in particular to national Managing Authorities working on cohesion policy programming and implementation. AGENDA 16 June 9.30-17.30 9.30-10.00 Welcome and introduction by Normunds POPENS (Deputy Director-General for Implementation in DG REGIO) and Andriana SUKOVA (Deputy Director-General in DG EMPL) 10.00-11.40 Horizontal and other principles Envisaged topics to be covered: • Treatment of horizontal principles in programming (art. 6a), including ‘Do no significant harm’ principle and achieving climate targets • Accessibility • Partnership principle Q&A session 11.40-12.40 Outstanding programming and template-related issues, Part I Envisaged topics to be covered: • Justification of the form of support • Performance framework • Transfers • Thematic concentration Q&A session 12.40 – 13:40 LUNCH break 13.45 – 15.15 Outstanding programming and template-related issues, Part II Envisaged topics to be covered: • Co-financing rate • Technical assistance • Operations of strategic importance • Just Transition Fund (Territorial just transition plans) • SFC 2021 Q&A session 15.15 – 16.35 Outstanding programming and template-related issues, Part I Envisaged topics to be covered: • Roadmaps on administrative capacity building • Cooperation under mainstream programmes 16.35 – 17.25 Implementation issues Envisaged topics to be covered: • Monitoring committee set up • Communication Q&A session

Practical information

16 June 2021
Brussels, Belgium
Registration Deadline
17 May 2021
Registration Information
There are two ways of following the webinar: 1. WEB STREAMING (no registration required). The event will be available to follow online in this link: Questions for the Q&A sessions before and during the webinar can be sent by e-mail to: After the event, a recording will be uploaded under the same link. 2. WEBEX (registration required, open until 17 May). This form of participation is open to national authorities and Managing Authorities. To ensure a smooth running of the webinar, participation through WEBEX is limited to maximum 20 connections per Member State. Due to a limited number of places, Member States have received an invitation from the Commission and have been asked to coordinate participants from particular countries.