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RegioStars 2012 - SUSTAINABLE GROWTH: GRaBS - Preparing local planning for climate change challenges

Urban areas are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. To enable European towns and cities to adapt successfully to the challenges of extreme weather and warming temperatures, and to achieve sustainable growth, local people need to be consulted and actively involved in improving their environment. The GRaBS project – Green and Blue Space Adaptation for Urban Areas and Eco-towns – focused on ‘green’ open spaces and ‘blue’ water resources. Trees and grasslands, for example, help to lower temperatures in towns, through evaporation. The project worked with local communities, helping them to improve their own environment and create healthier, safer and more pleasant living spaces for everyone. Winner of RegioStars 2012 Award - SUSTAINABLE GROWTH category

Date: 13 jun 2012

Theme: Environment, Regiostars

Languages:   en | fr

Subtitles:   en | fr

Duration: 2:37

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