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Programme description

Main objectives

The programme, amounting to over €7 billion provided from the resources of the European Regional Development Fund and the European Social Fund (ERDF and ESF), aims to boost economic growth and enhance social investment in line with the Europe 2020 targets for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

Funding priorities

13 funding priorities have been identified

  • R&I projects, Research and innovation activities in public and private research centres including networking, Cluster support and Universities and business networks primarily benefiting SMEs included R&I infrastructures > €336 million (12.06% of the ERDF's assistance)
  • Use and quality of ICT technologies, ultra-broadband up 100Mbs, strengthening ICT applications for e-government, e-learning, e-inclusion, e-culture and e-health > €136 million (4.86% ERDF)
  • Competitiveness of SMEs supporting innovation processes, promoting entrepreneurship of existing SMEs as well as fostering the creation of new firms, support internationalisation and extension of advanced capacities for innovation products > €559 million (20.05% ERDF)
  • Shift towards a low-carbon economy promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy, smart grid and renewable energy use in public buildings and promoting strategies for sustainable multimodal urban mobility > €198 million (7.10% ERDF)
  • Climate change adaptation, risk prevention and management > €163 million (5.86% ERDF)
  • Preserve and protect the environment and promote resource efficiency (waste and water sectors), restore biodiversity and soil and promote ecosystem services, improve the urban environment, regenerate and decontaminate brownfield sites (including conversion areas), reduce air pollution and promote noise-reduction measures. Conserve, protect and promote natural and cultural heritage > € 571 million (20.48% ERDF)
  • Promote sustainable transport connecting secondary and tertiary nodes to TEN-T infrastructure, including multimodal nodes, developing and improve environmentally-friendly low-carbon transport systems and high quality and interoperable railway system > € 231 million (8.29% ERDF)
  • Promote sustainable and quality employment and support labour mobility and modernisation of labour market institutions, access to employment for job seekers and inactive people, self-employment, entrepreneurship and business creation including innovative micro, SMEs and adaptation of workers, enterprises and entrepreneurs to change, active and healthy ageing > € 270 million (35.07% ESF)
  • Promote social and active inclusion, combating poverty and any discrimination, investing in health and social infrastructures including health care and social services, physical, economic and social regeneration of deprived communities in urban and rural areas and socio economic integration of marginalised communities such as the Roma > €340 million (12.20% ERDF) and €170 million (22.01% ESF)
  • Education and training, and the transition from education to work > €76 million (2.73% ERDF) and €301 million (39.03% ESF)
  • Institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders > €30 million (3.88% ESF)
  • Sustainable urban development necessary to support integrated actions to tackle the economic, environmental, climate, demographic and social challenges affecting the regional urban areas > €65 million (2.33% ERDF)
  • Technical Assistance > €112 million (4.0% ERDF)

Expected results

The programme will contribute to

  • increase the public R&D expenditure as a % of GDP from 0.5% up to 0.7% and the private R&D expenditure as a % of GDP from 0.19% up to 0.25%.
  • cover 50% the population with ultra-broadband to 100Mbs;
  • increase of two points the rate of private investment as % of GDP;
  • increase the exportation value from 12.6% up 18% as % of Regional GDP;
  • create 1 500 new enterprises;
  • reduce the GHG emissions from 38.546 to 33.535 (tonnes of CO 2 eq.);
  • decrease of 12 000 000 kWh/year the annual primary energy consumption of public buildings;
  • rehabilitate 1 500 hectares of land;
  • a ten-fold increase of the expected number of visits to supported sites of cultural and natural heritage;
  • 320 000 of additional population served by improved wastewater treatment;
  • 100 000 hectares of surface area of habitats with conservation status;
  • 450 hectares of surface area of rehabilitated land;
  • 20 Km of length of reconstructed or upgraded TEN-T railway lines, 40 Km of reconstructed or upgraded TEN-T roads;
  • increase the capacity for childcare or education infrastructure for additional 3500 people;
  • 358 rehabilitated housing units in urban areas


Regional Development Fund (ERDF): 2.788.070.047,00 €

European Social Fund (ESF): 772.409.449,00 €

Thematic priorities

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Financial information

Total OP budget: 4.450.599.375,00 €

Total EU contribution: 3.560.479.496,00 €

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