en English

2021-2027 Technical seminars

Webinar on Project management in cohesion policy in the context of public procurement rules and cost increases


The economic aftermath of COVID-19, aggravated by all impacts of the unprovoked aggression of Russian Federation on Ukraine, created a challenging environment for public investment policies such as cohesion policy, and many Member States called for the Commission to provide additional guidance on how to handle cost increases in their day-to-day project management.

Therefore a webinar on "Project management in cohesion policy in the context of public procurement rules and cost increases" took place on 12 July, 9:00-13:00 in virtual mode. The webinar was organised jointly by DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs and DG Regional and Urban Policy.

The webinar covered various aspects related to implementing and amending projects and procurement contracts, and provided clarifications on practical application of Article 72 of the Public Procurement Directive in the current situation.


Complete set of slides
(2,9 MB - PDF)


  • Introduction and the purpose of webinar - DG REGIO and DG GROW
  • Challenges for public procurement in construction - DG GROW.H1
  • Modification of contracts in the light of PP Directive rules - DG GROW.C1
  • Project management of EU-funded projects – cohesion policy rules – DG REGIO.02
  • Next steps  
  • Recording

    Recording of the seminar