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Programme: Europe for Citizens
Identifier: 606582-CITIZ-1-2018-2-EL-CITIZ-TT
Title: CUlture as a Bridge of communication and cooperation in a UNited Europe
The project entitled "Culture as a bridge of communication and cooperation in a united Europe" (acronym: CUBUNE)aimed to demonstrate a 360° approach to cultural cooperation between twinned cities in order to further promote cooperation at European level. More specifically, the project aimed: a. to showcase existing practices (through concert and music-dance events), b. to propose new forms/ideas of cultural cooperation (through presentations and 'open dialogue'); and c. to design a cross-cultural-trans-European product (publication and web site) through a Joint Working Group.The project results included:- Discussion on "culture as a bridge of communication and cooperation of United Europe" between executives of the two Municipalities and / or their cultural organisations in which they presented their views and experiences in this field- Workshop in which were presented a number of proposals - ideas for further development of cultural cooperation but also ways - actions of their promotion - communication (such as the joint organisation of lessons for learning the Serbian and Greek language to Greek and Serbian people, respectively)- Organisation of a concert and a music-dancing event where cultural cooperation was practiced- Established of a Joint Working Group for the design of an intercultural European product - service (printed guide - website) where members of Municipalities will exchange - apply views, ideas and practices at the level of common cultural creationThe direct participants of the projects were 58 citizens of Municipality of Lavreotiki and 90 people of the Municipality of Aleksinac.The project was promoted and communicated through live streaming web broadcasting of the events, press releases and announcements to municipalities' websites and social media, reaching to an audience that estimated to exceed the 50.000 people (EU citizens and citizens outside EU).The resulted key messages were:#1 - "The culture is the 'core' bridge of communication and cooperation of United Europe"#2 - "The involvement of young people to cultural -and other- communication and cooperation activities between European (twinned or not) Cities is the 'key' for ensuring the broadest dissemination and visibility of such activities"#3 - "The development and continuous operation of online -internet- communities can substantially support and promote all communication and cooperation activities between European (twinned or not) Cities"The implementation of all planned activities (web site, publication, Greek-Serbian language learning courses etc.) will further strength the communication and cooperation between the twinned cities demonstrating how culture forms actually a bridge of communication and cooperation in a united Europe.
Start Date: 01-03-2019
End Date: 20-10-2019
Duration in months: 8
Total Budget: 10080
Year (Call): 2018
Activity: Strand2: Democratic engagement and civic participation
Sub-Activity: Town twinning
Postal Code: 19500
Region: Greece Extra-Regio NUTS 2
Organisation type: Local Public body
PIC: 905033087
Address: KNJAZA MILOSA 169
Postal Code: 18220
Region: Serbia
PIC: 913563752
Within the Europe for Citizens Programme, the information available on the Website refers to the content submitted by the beneficiaries, as the data is retrieved directly from the application, at the moment of the selection.