
The information in EAC (Erasmus+/Creative Europe) dissemination platform is provided by the beneficiaries' organisations and is the sole responsibility of those organisations. The Commission declines all responsibility regarding this information, particularly regarding its accuracy and its respect to copyright.

The Commission reserves the right to remove from the Dissemination Platform any projects which do not respect such copyright.

The dissemination platform contains links to external sites which the Commission has no control over and for which it cannot be held responsible. The fact that these links are provided does not constitute either approval or a guarantee by the Commission regarding

  1. the organisation (or individual) responsible for managing or providing the content on any of the sites,
  2. the services advertised there,
  3. the content on the sites or
  4. any opinions expressed there.

Specific Privacy Statement

VALOR is the electronic platform for the dissemination and exploitation of results of projects funded by the Education and Culture Directorate-General (DG EAC). The new Dissemination and exploitation platform will offer a comprehensive overview of all projects funded under the new Erasmus+ and Creative Europe programmes as well as of some projects funded under the previous programmes (Life Long Learning, Youth in Action, Culture…).


The relevant legal bases are:



- the Regulation No 1295/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2013 establishing the Creative Europe Programme (2014 to 2020).

- the Decision No 1720/2006/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 November 2006 establishing an action programme in the field of lifelong learning. EU OJ L327 of 24.11.2006

- Decision No 1855/2006/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006 establishing the Culture Programme (2007 to 2013, see annexe point IV).

For what ends will the data be used?

The data will be used to give information about projects financed by European Commission programmes in the fields of education, training, youth, sport, culture and audiovisual.

What sort of information is collected?

Information about the projects, such as:

  • contact details for the contractor and his partners: address, telephone number, fax, e-mail, url.
  • professional information about the contact person in the contracting organisation: name, first name, e-mail
  • other specific information, such as the project target group, the duration of the project…

Information on the project results

  • Only the contractor inserts information relevant to the results of the project that he wishes to be available to interested parties.

What technical means are used?

The information is published using standard computer technology; information is used coming from Pegasus and E+Link for the new generation of programmes (Erasmus+ and Creative Europe), from Youthlink, ADAM and EST data bases for the projects belonging to previous programmes.

Who is the data communicated to?

The information on the projects is available to the general public on the Erasmus+ and Creative Europe dissemination platform websites.

How can I have access to my information, in order to verify its accuracy and, if necessary, correct it?

Any request for modification must be sent by mail or electronic mail to the address of the National Agency or the Executive Agency responsible for the management of the contract.

The information on the project comes from the contractor himself, being the information submitted in application phase and recorded in the management systems. A specific procedure in the VALOR system foresees that any change in the fields contained in the basic project card is modified automatically through a technical update of data from the management tools, where the latest changes are always reflected.  

How long are contact details held?

The retention of personal data will be ten years after the end of the programme

Who can I contact if I have questions or complaints?

Each user can contact the Commission and the platform administrator by contacting the first line support Helpdesk, as explained in the "Contact us" page.

Further to the above, each user can contact:

  • Unit E2 "Creative Europe programme - Culture"

DG Education and Culture

Rue Joseph II, 70

1000 Brussels


Conflict and Complaints

In case of conflict, the complaints can be addressed to the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS)


Download from EAC Dissemination Platform

As EAC Dissemination platform is an open platform, accessible to the public via the internet, please be aware that certain steps must be respected before downloading data.

If you wish to use existing information or results concerning a project available on the platform, please comply with the following principles:

  • Identify the owner of copyright and make sure the copyright is clear. You are strongly encouraged to contact the project partnership who created the product/result in all cases and inform them of your wish.
  • The information and the results published on EAC Dissemination Platform have been freely uploaded by their owners for dissemination and exploitation purposes. However, you should always try to get permission from the owner of the results before using it, in order to avoid any legal consequences. Notice that copyright protection always applies (even where there is no specific mention of the author or the copyright holder).
  • Check with the project coordinator the conditions of use for the result in question. For example:
    • Are you allowed to use the result freely?
    • Are you allowed to use the result for commercial purposes?
    • Do you have to mention the original source?
    • Do you have to ask the owner of the result for permission?
    • Do you have to use a specific logo?
    • Do you have to refer to a web link?
  • If you use pictures make sure you always mention the photographer's credit.

Note: In case you plan to adapt/modify for your own purposes the result found on EAC Dissemination Platform, make sure to have the initial author's agreement, as in most continental legal systems of Intellectual property, the moral rights of the author are not transferable, which means that he can object to any change on his work. Contact details are contained in the project details on the EAC Dissemination Platform.

To know more:

  • Legal issues for Dissemination and exploitation of results
  • Specific Privacy Statement


Upload on EAC Dissemination Platform

When you upload information about your project and its results on the EAC Dissemination Platform, you should pay attention to some legal aspects:

  • When you put any content on the platform (information on your project, its results, etc.), this information becomes public. Please remember that the objective of EAC Dissemination Platform is to make results accessible, to further disseminate and share outcomes of projects with other educational and cultural stakeholders.
  • Discuss and agree with your partners which kind of information you will make available on-line

Promotion and availability of results

  • What kind of results/products will you upload on the EAC Dissemination Platform?
  • Make sure you indicate all copyrights and conditions of use.
  • If you don't intend to upload the full version of your results, consider the possibility to prepare a short version, like a demo, or a sample of your results to be published on the platform.
  • Don't forget to illustrate your project's space with a few pictures that always add to its promotion. In that case, don't forget to mention the picture's copyright holder!

Conditions of use

You should decide within the partnership, beforehand and preferably in writing, under which conditions you will make the results of your project available online for further use.

You are strongly advised to clearly indicate in your project description the conditions of use for any potential user.

For example, you produced a specific training material. Below are several options, as examples, for its use - you can choose one option or make a combination of them:

  • Its use is completely free and the product can be downloaded, freely used and even adapted.
  • Its use is free for educational purposes, but it is prohibited for commercial purposes by a third party.
  • Its use is free, but the initial creator, his contact details, and copyright must always be credited.
  • It is free for use in the current version, but for any modifications/adaptations the partnership should be contacted.
  • The sample/demo available on the dissemination platform is free to download and use, but the full version is available on sale, and the partnership should be contacted (provide in this case the contact details).
  • If you are developing software, but also other materials, consider the possibility to make it available for free under the GNU – General Public Licence (for more information please visit their website).