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The OLAF report 2023
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Protecting EU revenue

Protecting EU revenue streams from being undermined by illegal activity is a key priority for OLAF.

Fraudsters target EU revenue streams by a range of actions such as smuggling, devising schemes to avoid paying correct customs duties and promoting a black market in counterfeit and controlled goods.

These actions reduce the money that go to Member States and the EU via customs payments. They also endanger citizens’ health and safety and the environment, while putting at a disadvantage bona fide EU producers and destabilise the single market by introducing counterfeit and substandard goods into the EU.

OLAF's work with EU and national authorities helped target these fraudsters and criminal gangs. This saw OLAF lead, coordinate and support a series of operations, especially with customs agencies and with other administrative bodies in the EU and around the world.

The following section looks into some of those actions.