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Urban Agenda for the EU

Fostering the urban dimensions of EU policies

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Dear readers,

We hope you’re doing well and enjoying the series of bank holidays and long weekends around Europe! In the spirit of our previous newsletter in which we launched our first article on the Actions of the Urban Agenda Partnerships, we’re delighted to now announce that the second one has also been published! You'll find the link to this below.

As well as the second article in our series, we are bringing you updates from our Partnerships and relevant news, events, calls, and resources. We wish you very happy reading and we do hope you'll stay in touch - you can reach us at, or check us out on LinkedIn and Twitter!

All the best,

The Urban Agenda for the EU Communications Team

Striving towards a greener Europe: Article 2 of our series is out!

The second article of our series of articles dedicated to the Urban Agenda Partnerships is out! Organised under the green dimension of the New Leipzig Charter, the articles look at what are the climate adaptation strategies and energy transitions solutions available for EU urban practitioners.

Apply for the New European Bauhaus Prizes

The New European Bauhaus has the ambition to make the Green Deal a cultural, human-centred and positive, tangible experience. The 2021 edition of the Prizes will contribute to the design phase of the initiative. Subscribe to the newsletter by 31 May and participate in the public voting to select the best projects, and follow the link for more information and to find out how to apply!

International Urban and Regional Cooperation Programme – Call for applications

This is an opportunity for your city or region and local stakeholders to pair up with cities in Asia, Australasia and Latin and North America to exchange on sustainability and innovation. Follow the link to apply by 31 May!

Launch of the Right to Housing platform!

As a result of a 1.5 year knowledge activity UIA and URBACT will explore how cities can design housing policies and practical solutions to implement the right to housing. This partnership between the two programmes will pave the way for future knowledge sharing activities in the frame of the European Urban Initiative.

A new step towards setting up the European Urban Initiative supported by ERDF

DG REGIO published a call for expression of interest for the selection of an entrusted entity for the indirect management of the European Urban Initiative. All documents and information about the call are available through the following link.

Registrations for the 2021 URBACT Festival are open

The event will be held online 15-17 June. After two years of testing, exchanging and learning, over 150 URBACT cities from 23 Transfer Networks are now ready to share how they adapted good practices to their local contexts. Register here!

Final Event of the BRIDGE project!

This is the final Event of the Efus-led BRIDGE - Building resilience to reduce polarisation and growing extremism project, entitled Preventing polarisation - European Perspectives. Follow the link to register!

Security in Public Spaces roundtable report on Action 1

This roundtable showcased the progress made by the city of Helsinki and JRC in developing a self-assessment tool to measure and assess security in cities. You can find the next steps and full insights from the roundtable discussion by downloading the document here!

Evaluating the impact of nature-based solutions

The Handbook aims to provide decision-makers with a comprehensive NBS impact assessment framework, and a robust set of indicators and methodologies to assess impacts of nature-based solutions across 12 societal challenge areas. Download the handbook here!

European SDG Voluntary Local Reviews: A comparative analysis of local indicators and data

The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission launched a new report which explores the use of local indicators by European Voluntary Local Reviews on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals between 2016 and early 2021. This is part of the URBAN 2030 project developed to support local governments in monitoring the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its SDGs at local level. Consult the report here.

UN-Habitat launches a Report on Cities and Pandemics: towards a more just, green and healthy future

The Cities and Pandemics Report evidences how cities can reduce the impact of future pandemics and become more prosperous, fair and environmentally friendly. It provides the basis local level action in spatial planning, poverty and inequality, the economy, and governance, and calls for the response and recovery to pandemics to be based on human rights principles.


This is the newsletter of the Urban Agenda for the EU.

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