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Urban Agenda for the EU

Fostering the urban dimensions of EU policies

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Dear urban community,

This month we’re delighted to announce a very exciting project for us: the launch of a series of articles centred around the Actions of the 14 Partnerships of the Urban Agenda! Structured around the three city dimensions of the New Leipzig Charter (the Productive, the Green and the Just City), the articles link Partnerships’ Actions and activities with other relevant EU projects and initiatives supported by Cohesion Policy (including Urban Innovative Actions, URBACT or Article 7 cities benefitting from ERDF). Overall, the articles aim at showcasing practices and experiences on how different tools and funding support can help cities face their challenges in a strategic way towards sustainable urban development. The first article in this series looks specifically at Actions developed under the Digital Transition and Jobs and Skills Partnerships and is centred on the productive dimension of the New Leipzig Charter. Over the next few months, we’ll continue publishing these articles, so stay tuned to our newsletter and social media channels!

As well as the launch of the article series, we are bringing you updates from our Partnerships and relevant news, events, calls, and resources. We're always thrilled to connect with you so please do get in touch - you can drop us a line at, or check us out on LinkedIn and Twitter!

All the best,

The Urban Agenda for the EU Communications Team

Launch of Article series on the Actions of the Urban Agenda Partnerships!

This year we are developing a series of capitalisation articles based on the 14 Partnerships of the Urban Agenda for the EU and urban initiatives of Cohesion Policy, structured around the three city dimensions of the New Leipzig Charter. It links Actions from the Digital Transition and Jobs and Skills Partnerships, and explores the impact of the pandemic on Jobs & Skills in Europe.

Urban Case Study #7

Enabling a circular economy transition in cities requires a much stronger focus on the role of waste prevention, repair, reuse, and recycling, as opposed to current models of disposal. In this Urban Case Study, we look at an Urban Resource Centre in Flanders showcased by our Circular Economy Partnership. Take a look!

4th Partnership meeting of the Culture and Cultural Heritage Partnership

On 10 and 11 February 2021, the 4th Partnership meeting of the Culture and Cultural Heritage Partnership took place, leading to productive discussions and concrete action points for the Partnership. Read the outcomes of the meeting here.

A new EU webpage on the localisation of SDGs

The Urban Data Platform + is hosting a new page dedicated to the localisation of SDGs, where you can also access the EU Handbook for SDG Voluntary Local Reviews and learn about on-going activities regarding European Commission support to the implementation of SDGs at the local level. Have a look!

Register for the first online high-level Conference on the New European Bauhaus

This event will take place on 22 and 23 April 2021, gathering a number of high level speakers including the President of the European Commission, the President of the European Parliament, several Commissioners, and key stakeholders involved in this initiative. Register here!

Cities engaging in the right to housing

UIA & URBACT are organising a final event featuring the main results of the culminating activity of Cities Engaging in the Right to Housing, paving the way to future knowledge sharing within the European Urban Initiative. Event takes place on 22 April at 10.00 CET, register here!

Introducing the second phase of the IUC programme!

Register to learn about the International Urban and Regional Cooperation (IURC) programme and what it can bring to cities and regions! The webinar will take place on 14 April, 10:00 - 11:00 CEST.

Action 3 deliverable of the Climate Adaptation Partnership

The Partnership has been working to improve legislation, financing, and knowledge offered by the EU in the field of adaptation to climate change. Action 3 delivers recommendations to the ERDF Operational Programmes to improve the accessibility of municipalities to these funds. Read the report here!

Action 11 & 12 of the Digital Transition Partnership: External review now available!

As part of Action 11 & 12 of the Digital Transition Partnership, participating cities have developed and implemented numerous outcomes, such as living labs on merging digital technologies, funding mechanisms, and inputs for potential EU legislation and funding on new technologies. Find out more here.

New translations available for the Handbook of Sustainable urban development strategies

You can now access the translations for the Handbook, developed as methodological support to augment knowledge on how to implement integrated and place-based urban strategies under cohesion policy, in BG, ES, EL, IT, HU, PL and RO.

Innovation in Urban Mobility in the 2020s

The UIA Urban Mobility journey began February 2020 together with UIA mobility cities exploring the innovation concepts applied to urban mobility challenges and seeking to understand how to address mobility issues related to urbanisation and urban resilience challenges. Gain insights on innovative experiences and practices in this final report.

Help our Partnerships develop their Actions by participating in their surveys
Survey on Action 4

Please contribute to our Security in Public Spaces Partnership by taking 10-15minutes to complete their survey on Action 4: Development of a capacity building training scheme about integrated sustainable urban security.


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