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Urban Agenda for the EU

Fostering the urban dimensions of EU policies

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Dear readers,

As the year rounds off, we come to you with the final newsletter of 2020. It’s been a challenging year for us all, which will continue into 2021. These challenges should be faced together, so that we can emerge stronger, more united and more resilient.

Looking back over 2020, there have not only been challenges! A few UAEU highlights have shown a series of successful milestones, which you can read about by following the links below:

For more information, you know where to look: all our news and resources are readily available on Futurium (which will be back in 2021 with a new look and feel!).

Please feel free to get in touch with us at with any questions or comments, and on this note, we’d like to take this opportunity wish all our readers very happy holidays, and we’ll be back with more updates, resources and news in 2021!

The Urban Agenda for the EU Communications Team

A new chapter for EU urban development: the New Leipzig Charter

An initiative of the German Presidency of the Council of the EU, a New Leipzig Charter was adopted and stands as a key framework document for integrated sustainable urban development in Europe. It is accompanied by an Implementing document which intends to guide the next phase of the Urban Agenda for the EU according to renewed parameters.

Action Plan: Security in Public Spaces

The Action Plan aims at providing directions on how to face global and local challenges of our times to create safer cities and public spaces and to bring real European added value. The Actions are driven by technology for smart, sustainable, and safe cities and managing security and sharing public spaces in urban and peri-urban areas.

Action Plan: Culture/Cultural Heritage

The Partnership on Culture/Cultural Heritage published its final Action Plan! 11 Actions have been developed under the overall mission to improve the management of the historic built environment of European cities, promote Culture, and preserve the quality of urban landscapes and heritage.

New E-Learning module on Public Procurement

The Urban Agenda Partnership on Innovative and Responsible Public Procurement published the link to their e-learning module. The module will guide you through 7 topics under the theme of responsible and innovative public procurement.

Roadmap for Circular Resource Efficiency in cities

The Roadmap for a Circular Resource Efficiency Management plan offers cities and urban areas a structured, step-by-step approach to develop a substantiated plan of action that improves resource efficiency and drives the transition to a circular economy.

Urban Case Study #2

The 2nd Urban Case Study on decreasing residential segregation is out, looking at a successful case of Roma integration based on multi-level cooperation in Pécs, Hungary. Take a look!

Urban Development Network webinars: Urban Innovative Actions, achievements and perspectives

The Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) and the Urban Development Network are joining forces to organise three webinars on 03, 10 and 17 February 2021. The webinars will showcase UIA achievements, promote the UIA experience and capitalisation efforts, explore synergies with the wider Cohesion Policy and draw perspectives for the its renewal as part of the European Urban Initiative for the 2021-2027 period.

JPI Urban Europe’s Policy Conference ‘Stepping up the Game – Driving Urban Transitions’

Close to 500 participants from 40 countries joined the conferencce and listened to panel discussions with representatives from among others cities, regions, the EU Green Deal and the Leipzig charter and to together define the upcoming years priorities and challenges in urban transitions. Follow the link to find information about the conference, its presentations, the DUT partnership and its three pillars, and to contribute to the concept board!

International Urban Cooperation: Sustainable and Innovative Cities and Regions

The IUC-North America regional Cooperation includes 20 EU cities and 20 North American cities which are collaborating on topics such as sustainable urban mobility and circular economy through the formation of national partnerships. Read the report for further information!

World Cities Report 2020 now available!

This UN Habitat report analyses the intrinsic value of cities in generating economic prosperity, mitigating environmental degradation, reducing social inequality and building stronger institutions, and explores the role of innovation and technology, local governments, targeted investments and the effective implementation of the New Urban Agenda in fostering the value of sustainable urbanisation.

Call for projects: UIA Transfer Mechanism

Building on the success of the URBACT Transfer Network model, URBACT and Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) have developed a pilot transfer mechanism for completed UIA projects. The pilot will finance up to four networks whose aim will be to adapt the UIA innovations and develop an investment plan to fund their implementation. Apply by 1 February 2021!

Call for Applications: Green Solutions Awards 2020-2021

Professionals are invited to submit their best projects on efficient climate solutions in buildings, districts and infrastructures, with the aim of boosting their adoption and thus accelerate the ecological transition of the sector.

Call for Applications: Climate Smart Cities Challenge

This open call is an opportunity for cities to participate as implementation partners in a city-based open innovation competition, alongside a global pool of technologists, businesses and investors to develop, test and scale solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


This is the newsletter of the Urban Agenda for the EU.

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