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Urban Agenda for the EU

Fostering the urban dimensions of EU policies

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Dear urban community,

As this newsletter lands in your inboxes, we are experiencing strange and slightly baffling circumstances. We are writing to you – not from our usual office in Brussels – but from the confines of our homes, watching as countries around the world struggle to contain the spread of the COVID-19 and protect their populations and economies. Quite a different scenario from our last newsletter sent to you during the excitement of the CITIES Forum.

It is likely that what we are experiencing now will have far reaching repercussions for the urban community – factors like population density, city planning and technology will come under scrutiny. Like all epidemics (and pandemics), the current one will most likely serve as a catalyst for urban transformation.

Looking ahead…

The UAEU team is committed to keep providing you with the latest news, calls, publications and initiatives related to the Urban Agenda for the EU. Also make sure to follow the Urban Agenda for the EU on Twitter: @EUUrbanAgenda.

This month, we are sending an extra appeal to our readers: stay safe and (virtually) stick together, brighter days will come. In order to see you through these days of lockdown quarantine, we’d like to share some great resources we’ve come across.

Stay informed! EU responses and resources:

Some other useful resources:

  • Beware of fake news! Learn how to sort corona-fact from corona-fiction before spreading misinformation:
  • Stay in shape: staying home is no excuse to get lazy. From free yoga YouTube sessions to at-home workout guides, the internet has you covered
  • Tip of the week: conference etiquette is important - mute yourself on conference calls when you aren’t talking.

The Urban Agenda for the EU Communications Team

Any questions? Drop us a line at

Live updates COVID-19: European cities respond to the coronavirus crisis

EUROCITIES has set-up an online platform with information on how European cities are responding to the current crisis with practical examples related to food, waste, homelessness, culture and procurement, as well as the response to coronavirus at European level.

Municipal waste management and COVID-19

The current pandemic raises questions regarding municipal waste management practices and procedures. To reply to requests from its members, ACR+ is collecting data on the different systems and solutions implemented across Europe to manage municipal waste in the current situation.

Become a partner of the European Week of Regions and Cities 2020

The deadline to apply online to become a partner of the European Week of Regions and Cities 2020 is approaching. Don’t miss the opportunity to become a partner! The deadline for applications is 17 April 2020.

Looking back on...
The CITIES Forum 2020

The 4th edition of the CITIES Forum took place in Porto, on the 30-31 January 2020, in a former-customs house-turned-congress centre on the bank of the Douro river. Take a look at the event's highlights here!

Workshop on Understanding Land Take

The University of Bologna hosted a Public Workshop entitled 'Understanding Land Take - Indicators, Datasets, Mapping' on 7 November 2019. The conference featured various interventions by experts, most of them Partnership members, which are available on the University website.

Interview series at the European Week of Regions and Cities 2019: Andrea Luccaroni

The European Week of Regions and Cities 2019 gave us a chance to have a chat with Andrea Luccaroni, from the Unione della Romagna Faentina, on the work of the six northern-Italian municipalities towards the development of a common, integrated strategy on security.

Including Land Take and Soil Properties in Impact Assessment Procedures

This Guidebook investigates the role of Strategic Environmental Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment procedures in highlighting the effects derived from land take and soil sealing processes at planning stage, and is addressed those in charge of taking decisions on the possible applications of these procedures during the land use planning process.

Handbook on Sustainable and Circular Re-use of Spaces and Buildings now available!

This handbook is the result of work carried out by the Sustainable Use of Land and Nature Based Solutions and Circular Economy Partnerships. It is proposes a new, circular model of urban re-use management.

Digital Neighbourhood Instrument

This is intended as a tool to enable the setting up of a digital centre to help people who lack digital skills. Seven basic elements have been identified and as essential in creating digital centres, and are explored in this resource.

Greener Cities, Greener Europe

This publication explores the contribution of the Urban Agenda for the EU to Europe’s sustainable transition by looking at its ‘green’ Partnerships.

Launch of the Cultural Heritage in Action Community

This is a peer-learning programme for local and regional policy makers to exchange knowledge on cultural heritage. In June 2020 a call for participation will be launched, open to representatives of local and regional authorities and cultural heritage stakeholders. Stay tuned!

Invitation to Co-design a Programme on Urban Transitions

In preparation of the Driving Urban Transitions programme, JPI Europe would like to invite you to share your perspectives on urban challenges you are addressing in your work. All responses submitted before 15 April will be discussed in the AGORA Dialogue in Innsbruck.


This is the newsletter of the Urban Agenda for the EU.

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