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Events May

Events in May

date:  15/05/2024



Recording available: Head Office Taxation System for SMEs event 


In April we hosted an information webinar about the European Commission’s proposal for a Head Office Taxation System which would simplify tax obligations for SMEs operating cross-borders. Did you miss it? You can now watch the recording in all EU languages! 

A look back at the European Trust and Cooperation Approach (ETACA) Workshop 


In April, the Commission hosted the ETACA Workshop, with the participation of various stakeholders from the private sector and tax administrations of the Member States.  

The main objective of the Workshop was to capture the interest of the MNEs and the participating Member States to continue with the next steps of ETACA, including launching a Second Pilot. Overall, 18 Member States attended the Workshop and contributed to a fruitful discussion. The First Pilot received overall positive feedback from participating MNEs and the business community, particularly due to ETACA’s role in enhancing cooperation with tax administrations. Most of the Member States have informally expressed their interest in sustaining ETACA and continuing their participation in the programme.  

More about the initiative