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Interview October

Transfer pricing has long been seen as a tool used by companies, especially multinationals, to reduce their tax liability. But what is it? And how does the EU plan to tackle inconsistencies at national level that can cause problems such as profit shifting, tax avoidance and litigation in the EU? Find out from the interview below with Marc Clercx, Lukas Seemann and Mauro Faggion, the experts in charge of developing new draft legislation proposed by the European Commission back in September.

date:  08/11/2023



New transfer pricing rules to make life easier for businesses in the EU

Transfer pricing has long been seen as a tool used by companies, especially multinationals, to reduce their tax liability. But what is it? And how does the EU plan to tackle inconsistencies at national level that can cause problems such as profit shifting, tax avoidance and litigation in the EU? Find out from this issue's interview with Marc Clercx, Lukas Seemann and Mauro Faggion, the experts in charge of developing new draft legislation proposed by the European Commission back in September.
