Read the online version | ISSN: 2811-8103
  21 September 2023  

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Digital Education and Skills newsletter

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“SELFIE Newsletter” is now Digital Education and Skills
As we anticipated in the latest SELFIE Newsletter, we have adapted our content to include all the activities and tools developed by the Joint Research Centre in the area of digital education and digital skills.

For that reason, we are revamping our channel under the name “Digital Education and Skills newsletter”, including a broader selection of news, events, publications and trainings.

If you want to know more about the different research areas in the field of education and training at the JRC, you can explore our dedicated webpage or contact us at

Latest News
Study visit to the Basque Vocational Education and Training (VET) system

With the aim of strenghtening the cooperation between the JRC and the Basque Government, a JRC delegation (including members of the DES team) visited San Sebastian and met the ViceMinister and Director General of the Vocational Education and Training system and team.

delegation of the JRC and the Basque Country
An initial contact with the professional world

During June, the JRC Digital Education and Skills (DES) team was very pleased to welcome Sofia, a student from the European School of Varese (Italy), for a two-weeks working experience as part of her mandatory education program, which offers the students a first direct contact with the reality of the working world while helping them choose their career path.

Sofia, our student, working on a computer
Coming up
Join the Global Hackathon Education Awards with SELFIE

Would you like to participate on a hackathon on the topic of digital capacity of organizations? You can do so at the Digital Education Hackathon.

date 06/11/2023 - 13/11/2023
Workshop: Human-computer confluence in education
This workshop will address the opportunities and challenges of new digital technologies in education. Romina Cachia, team leader of Digital Education and Skills (JRC), will present "New emerging technologies and trends in digital education"
date 27/09/2023
venue European Parliament (Room SPAAK 7C50, Brussels) and online
Report by Linda Castañeda, Virginia Viñoles-Cosentino, Ana Yara Postigo-Fuentes, Cesar Herrero & Romina Cachia
Strategic Approaches to Regional Transformation of Digital Education

This Science for Policy report explores the role of European Commission's frameworks and self-reflection tools in the development of regional educational political approaches in Spain aiming to develop further Digital Competences for teachers and schools.

Report cover
Report by Ilkka Tuomi, Romina Cachia & Daniel Villar Onrubia
On the Futures of Technology in Education: Emerging Trends and Policy Implications

This Science for Policy report aims to map emerging technologies and trends with high potential to influence the future of education, including new connectivity infrastructures such as 5G and 6G, immersive reality technologies, digital credentials or generative Artificial Intelligence.

Report cover
Resources & more
A new procedure to get your SELFIE badge

With this new feature, everything can be done just by logging in with the SELFIE account. That means that schools don’t need to create an account in the platform Insignias INTEF before requesting the badge.

SELFIE tool badge
Past Events
Participation at the Cedefop/OCDE symposium on apprenticeship and digital transition

The event gathered over 100 participants from around the world and allowed us to present the JRC’s work in digital transition in education.

2023 Cedefop/OECD event flyer
date 18/08/2023
Science for public policies in Spain

The Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation and the JRC organised the conference "Science for public policies in Spain", aiming to connect science, public policies and society initiatives. Romina Cachia, team leader of Digital Education and Skills at the JRC, participated in the session "Dialogue between science and policy II".

date 21/09/2023

This is the JRC Newsletter Digital Education and Skills. This newsletter provides updates on tools, events and other educational topics related to the use of digital technologies for teaching and learning in schools. 

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Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2023.

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ISSN: : 2811-8103 | Catalogue Number: KJ-CC-23-001-EN-N