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New Joint Action to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease and diabetes

date:  29/11/2023

Non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes pose significant health challenges and are amongst the leading causes of mortality in the EU. A new Joint Action on CARdiovascular diseases and DIabetes in Europe (JACARDI), funded by the EU4Health programme with an unprecedented EUR 53 million, kicked off this week to support 21 countries to reduce the burden of these two non-communicable diseases (NCDs).

The initiative is set to deploy 142 pilot projects across Europe, covering the entire patient journey: from improving health literacy and awareness, enhancing screening and primary prevention among high-risk populations, reaching out to people living with cardiovascular diseases and diabetes as well as their care providers and improving service pathways, self-management and labour participation. JACARDI will also address transversal and intersectional aspects, e.g., promoting equity in health, social, cultural, and ethnic diversity, and the improvement of data availability.

Background information

Around two-thirds of premature deaths in the World Health Organization European Region – are caused by four major NCDs: cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes. Behavioural and biological risk factors are at the root of 85% of this burden. With the Healthier Together – EU non-communicable diseases initiative, the Commission recognises the importance of a comprehensive, strategic approach to preventing NCDs.

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