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Have your say and join the EU Health Policy Platform Annual Meeting!

date:  31/03/2023

The EU Health Policy Platform will hold its annual meeting on 19 April.

The morning session (9.30 – 12.30 CEST) will be dedicated to the presentation of the Joint Statements by its Thematic Network leaders in four different areas: anti-discrimination & health equity; HIV, Tuberculosis, Viral Hepatitis and Sexually Transmitted Infections; Mental Health in All Policies and Navigating Health Inequalities in the EU through Artificial Intelligence. This will be followed by a roundtable to share the lessons learned and possible improvements for next cycles. 

The afternoon session (13.30 – 16.30 CEST) will be dedicated to the first results of the study assessing the EU Health Policy Platform. The contractor in charge of the study will present the primary findings, after which there will be a break-out session where both participants onsite and online can provide input and exchange ideas.

Check out the programme, the hand-out and register now!


The EU Health Policy Platform is a collaborative Platform to strengthen and facilitate communication between health stakeholders and the Commission. Among its objectives are to provide a framework for dialogue and encourage targeted discussions, ensure transparency in health policy dialogue, and contribute to building knowledge and expertise on public health issues.

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