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EU Health Policy Platform Holds Annual Meeting

date:  05/04/2022

The EU Health Policy Platform will hold its annual meeting on 4 and 5 May 2022.

4 May kicks off with the 2021 EU Health Award Ceremony, where the winners and shortlisted initiatives on cancer prevention and mental health will be announced.  Not only can you find out who this year’s top contenders were, you can learn more about the important work they are doing in these two fields.  

The topic of promoting communication and health literacy on cancer prevention among children and young people (ages 6 to 24) was open to cities, NGOs or other civil society organisations and educational institutions. The topic of alleviating the mental health impact of COVID-19 was open to local authorities and affiliated organisations as well as NGOs and other not-for-profit organisations whose community-based initiatives had met with success.

On 5 May, the annual meeting will continue, focusing this time on stakeholders’ activities, such as discussions about current and future EU health priorities and presentations of the 2021 Joint Statements. Stakeholder organisations will present their Joint Statements in three different areas: climate and health education in Europe, integrated nutrition and cancer care, and moving towards an inclusive pharmaceutical strategy for the EU.

Several organisations from across Europe will present their annual position papers they have been working on within the 2021 Thematic Networks. Afterwards there will be a stakeholders’ roundtable, where participants can discuss key health concerns and ideas and experiences on the EU Health Policy Platform.

Find the draft programme and the registration to the EU Health Policy Platform annual meeting here below.


The EU Health Policy Platform is a collaborative initiative to strengthen and facilitate communication between European Commission services and health stakeholders. Among its objectives are to provide a framework for dialogue and encourage targeted discussions between the European Commission and stakeholders, ensure transparency in the health policy dialogue and contribute to building knowledge and expertise on public health issues.

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