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European Semester: Publication of Country Reports

date:  25/02/2020

Today, the European Commission published its country reports for each Member State. These reports from part of the European Semester which provides a framework for the coordination of economic policies across the European Union. The country reports, published in the so-called Winter Package on 26 February,  address some of the most important economic and social policy challenges for Member States, including for their health systems. Healthcare reforms are ongoing in most Member States, with varying levels of focus and pace.   

For the first time, the European Semester cycle has an overarching focus on sustainability, consisting of four dimensions: environment, productivity, fairness and stability. Health is most evident in the fairness dimension through investment in skills and health, as well as through the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights. In April, Member States will provide their National Reform Programmes and the European Commission will adopt its proposals for Country Specific Recommendations in May.

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