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EU Health Policy Platform Holds Third Annual Meeting

date:  09/11/2018

The EU Health Policy Platform will hold its third annual meeting in Brussels on Monday 12 November. At the event, Mr Vytenis Andriukaitis, the European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, will announce the winners of the 2018 EU Health Award for Non-Governmental Organisations Working to Prevent Tobacco Use. More than150 participants will have the opportunity to discuss a wide range of topics such as the role of stakeholders in EU health policy, the 2018 Joint Statements prepared by the Thematic Networks under the EU Health Policy Platform, and announce the potential topics for the 2019 Thematic Networks cycle. The Steering Group on Prevention and Promotion will present the Best Practice Portal.

The meeting will be webstreamed on:


The EU Health Policy Platform is a collaborative initiative to ease communication between European Commission services and health stakeholders. Its objectives are, among other, to provide a framework for dialogue and facilitate targeted discussions between the European Commission and stakeholders, ensure transparency in the health policy dialogue and contribute to building knowledge and expertise on public health issues.

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