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Evaluation of Blood, Tissues and Cells Legislation: stakeholders present their views

date:  19/09/2017

A meeting to gather stakeholder feedback as part of the evaluation of the EU blood, tissues and cells legislation takes place in Brussels today. It complements the online consultation which drew to a close on September 14th. The legislation being evaluated covers the fields of blood transfusion, transplantation of tissues, such as corneas and heart valves, bone marrow transplantation and assisted reproduction.

Today's meeting has raised a high level of interest with over 230 participants registered. It will provide stakeholders with a further opportunity to express their views and for the Commission to verify or clarify certain positions. It also provides an opportunity for stakeholders working in a particular specialist area to understand the wider picture by hearing the views expressed by others.

The agenda will cover the following five major themes:

  1. The key importance of donors
  2. Regulatory oversight
  3. Availability and sufficiency
  4. Legal consistency and coherence
  5. A changing world: technological, societal, epidemiological and international development

The views expressed by stakeholders during this meeting, along with the replies gathered through the online consultation, will be reviewed and will feed into a final evaluation report on the EU Directives on blood, tissues and cells to be published towards the end of 2018.

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