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Health Technology Assessment: 87% of citizens and stakeholders support EU cooperation beyond 2020

date:  15/05/2017

The Commission has received some 250 replies to its public consultation on strengthening EU cooperation on Health Technology Assessment (HTA), 25% of which were from citizens and 75% from stakeholders. Almost all respondents (98%) acknowledge the usefulness of HTA, 81% consider the current EU cooperation on HTA to be useful to some degree, and 87% consider that EU cooperation on HTA should continue beyond 2020. Of those who support sustainable EU cooperation on HTA, 80% think the scope should include pharmaceuticals and 72% consider that medical technologies should also be covered.

Commenting on these results, Vytenis Andriukaitis, Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, said "I am pleased, but not surprised at the overwhelming support for sustainable cooperation on HTA at EU-level. Such cooperation will bring real added value to all countries, through the pooling of resources, exchange of expertise, and the avoidance of duplication. I am keen to finalise a proposal on what form this cooperation will take before the end of the year."

The results of the public consultation and views expressed by stakeholders in other forums will be summarised in the Synopsis Report which will form part of the Impact Assessment on strengthening EU cooperation on HTA beyond 2020.