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AMR Workshop - Antimicrobial consumption in animals: achievements and challenges in data collection

date:  24/04/2017

Today in Brussels, EU-level experts, national competent authorities and medicines agencies, veterinarians, farmers and industry will gather to discuss data collection on consumption of veterinary antimicrobials in Europe – achievements, challenges and the way forward. The main aim of the workshop, organised by the European Commission in collaboration with the European Medicines Agency (EMA) is to explore how data on antimicrobial consumption in animals can be improved (sales and use per species). The discussion will also provide technical input for proposed legal provisions at EU level.

During the workshop, the Commission will present the state of play of its strategy to combat Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), including information on the AMR-related provisions under the revision of the legal framework on veterinary medicines. The EMA will present the European Surveillance of Veterinary Antimicrobial Consumption (ESVAC) Strategy 2016-2020, the ESVAC sales data and the draft guidance for collection of data on antimicrobial use by animal species. See the full agenda of the workshop here.


The Commission is committed to combatting AMR through a 'One-Health' approach involving actions on human health, animal health, the environment and food safety as well as on antimicrobial research and development. Curbing antimicrobial consumption amongst animals is a vital part of the fight against AMR.

With regard to this consumption, 30 European countries currently voluntarily report on annual sales data. Inspired by the ESVAC blueprint, the Commission's proposal for a new Regulation on veterinary medicinal products provides for compulsory collection of data on sales and use of veterinary antimicrobials. ESVAC is already focusing on the systems and procedures necessary to manage this proposed requirement.

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